Selfcest said 10 years, 10 months ago:

Yes, I have. Well, maybe not love, but really really like. Many people think that liking someone from the online world is not real, but I don’t believe thats true. Because to me, the person at the other screen is real.

Kaitlyn said 10 years, 9 months ago:

I have. I was happy with him and i actually loved him. But one problem was that he was way older than me. I didn’t care about age differences cause i really liked him. A year later came by and my parents found out. I am ban from seeing him or talking to him ever again. I know that its for the best and that they were trying to protect me..but i’m lonely now and i miss him like crazy! I don’t know what to do and honestly, i feel like i wont find anyone else that was as good as him.

letstalkaboutit said 10 years, 9 months ago:

I once meet my recently ex boyfriend on Myspace 2009. We hit it off and i really fell into “like” with him. He happened to live about 14 blocks away from my school. When we first decided to meet up which was both of our ideas, i was soo nervous and so many possibilities and event was going through my head days to actually meeting up. When it came the day i had several friends follow near behind just in case anything popped off. Everything actually went really well and we ended up dating for about 3 years

mercurie said 10 years, 9 months ago:

Oh dear, have I.
I really did love a guy I’ve met online, no shame in it, of course. It’s a real person behind the screen, so my thoughts on it are the same as they would be in any kind of attraction I felt towards somebody~ I think even now, I would still consider a relationship like that because it’s no different from one you’ve met in person, the only difference is where they might be located.

uglyfairy said 10 years, 9 months ago:

Yes. I’ve been talking to him since I was 14. But, in the last year we have gotten really close. I do love him and care about him, but until we meet, we live our lives normally. Yeah, we talk everyday, but I talk to almost all of my friends every day! His friends know about me and vice versa. We’re going to be meeting soon. I’m hoping for the best. :) If it doesn’t work out romantically, I know I’ll always want him as a friend in my life.

Girl with a Secret said 10 years, 9 months ago:

I have! I met him online in november, and we have been emailing eachother ever since, talking about depression and helping eachother get through our problems. But he got a girlfriend in January, and lives on the other side of the world :/

UrbanGypsy said 10 years, 9 months ago:

My Longest relationship was actually with a guy i met on facebook when i was 16, He lived in my town, and we had mutual friends though but we we never met before that. We were together for 3 in a half years and live together for 2 years. He was the the best and worst thing that ever happened to me though. I suppose i’d be open for a long distance if video chatted often enough and actually put effort into meeting each other.

Satellite//Heart♡ said 10 years, 9 months ago:

I’ve been in a few relationships where we met online but one where I was completely in love with the guy.
We met on a chat site 2 years ago and clicked straight away, long story short we were completely in love with eachother, I honestly intended on marrying him which he asked me several times to. He lives in the US and I’m in Aus so the plan was that he would be coming to live here. We were together for a year and it was incredible while it was good but in the end I was cheated on and many lies came out. I’m still very bitter over it 7 months later and still in love with him though he broke my heart completely and I haven’t heard from him since new years this year…..
I have pretty much vowed to never do an online relationship again but at the moment I think I’m also just very hurt and scared of trusting anyone new or getting into any kind of relationship.
My advise is to be very cautious. I know you generally can’t help who you fall for, but guard your heart with everything you’ve got!

Deleted User said 10 years, 9 months ago:

Yes, I’m in a relationship right now that started off as long distance. For about 3 years we lived about 13 hours away, and in January I moved in with him. He was perfect online, but it hasn’t been working out. He says he’ll change, lets see. You never really know a person until you live with them because online they only show all the good. I still have my hopes up~!

JoJo said 10 years, 9 months ago:

Have I ever thought I’d fallen for someone online? Yeah. Do I anticipate a real relationship with them? Unless I can see it as “real” and want it to be “real”, it won’t happen in the first place. To me, if I can’t picture someone in my future, I don’t even attempt to have a relationship with them.

I game online a lot and I’m not the most unattractive female out there, so I get a lot of attention from my gamer buddies – both that I’ve met and that are just online friends. We always have a great time and have tons in common, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter how well I click with someone. My thought process is this: do I think they are a good person? Do I think that they’d be there for me even in my darkest hour, to take care of me when I’m sick or if I lose my job? If any of those get a NO, then it goes no farther. If I think they meet those qualities, then I think of what we really have in common. The online relationships I’ve been in… I’ve always shown them the same respect I would a “real” relationship. I don’t go out with guy friends as often or without letting them know; I allow complete transparency between the two of us just as if I would if they were next to me. If at any time my trust of them is put in question, I address the issue. If it can’t be resolved, then the relationship ends – same as in real life.

In a nut shell: if the relationship cannot measure up to the expectations of a “real” relationship, I won’t even consider it. You must treat them as one in the same, unless both parties agree to something casual. They must be honored like a “real” relationship… I’ve noticed people in online relationships tend to cheat/be cheated on a lot more than in “real” relationships.

…Are you per chance thinking about having an online relationship with someone? I was just curious as to why you were asking. Sorry if my explanation of the thought process was confusing, and I definitely can’t speak for all women, but that’s how my mind works when it comes to relationships. Hope this helps a bit at least; I noticed a lot of stories but not a whole lot of explaining on here.

Lightning Pizza said 10 years, 9 months ago:

The problem with online dating is that you never know who that person really is. With the internet, it is so easy to put up a mask so you have to be so incredibly careful.

Warning Signs:
1. One picture
2. Won’t skype or video chat


Give personal information very sparingly. Don’t ever tell them your address or where exactly you live. Give them an area thats big, close to where you live if you want.

When You Meet Up (If You Do)
1. Do not bring them to your home or around it. Always meet in a public place away from where you live.
2. Make sure you bring a fully-charged cell phone
3. Let parents and friends know where you will be and when
4. Make your date for a time during the afternoon (Sometime between 1-4) are best. Don’t stay out to the point where its getting dark
5. Always pick a place with lots of people

My best advice is take it very slow and be very safe!

Good luck!

KittenOfWar said 10 years, 9 months ago:

I met my current boyfriend online. We haven’t met yet but well, we video chat almost everyday at various times. It’s something that just happens IMO. Although I do believe there are enough creeps out there as I’ve been harassed by one. It was a man who obviously had never seen a female gamer so at that point I stopped playing online and decided to make a new PSN account so no one would know I’m a girl. In other words: I might met my boyfriend online but you’re never really safe..

The Social Chameleon said 10 years, 9 months ago:

I had a long time ago. It faded from a romantic relationship to an intimate friendship in which we both care for each other more as friends than a significant other.

At a younger age, I was quite the gamer–most people had thought I was older than I really was considering my personality and level of vocabulary at the time. It’s a game I still play now that is very close to my heart and where some of my best friends originated from. I’ve known them for a total of five, going onto six, years now (definitely a lot longer than most people expect).

So the story starts with how he was in a relationship with a friend at the time, but she didn’t put much effort into the relationship. I spent most of my time with him and eventually his relationship with the friend ended on mutual terms and we began “dating” so to speak. This lasted for approximately a year before we naturally drifted away from a “significant other” relationship to “best friends”. He dated a girl in real life and I supported the relationship.

Long story short, I fell for him pretty hard because he ended up finding out a lot more of my troubles that many of my friends do not know now and still stayed by my side in order to keep me sane. The feeling never really faded on my side, but at this point I kind of friendzone’d myself.

As cheesy as this may sound, I’ve grown very emotionally attached to him, but I love him on a strange level. It is at the boundary line of friendship and a lover, but perhaps it’s more of the prior than the latter.

So overall, my love story turned out quite semi-sweet with little tragedies and mutual agreements. While you should be careful of who you choose to open up to, sometimes you make your closest allies with those farthest from you.

Shy BB said 10 years, 9 months ago:

Yup, today, we’re on our fourth year together (Our dating anniversary is Nov 15) and I am now living with him.

Even so, with online dating you do have to be careful, since just because they might seem friendly online doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the same person offline.

etcetera said 10 years, 8 months ago:

Yes, but I’ve never been much for the constant online chatter. I moved things to real life (in a safe, open, public, non-scary way) soon enough to know what was real and what was imaginary. I think it’s not very different from meeting someone out in a bar, at a book store, wherever. They could be liars, bandits, pirates and you’d have no idea. Its just on a different axis