Happy horror said 10 years, 10 months ago:

I’m just gonna be honest and say that if you’ve been sleeping with allot of guys, than yes, you are a slût but you don’t always have to be one.
Even if you aren’t having sex with them I think you should immediately stop sleeping in the same bed because if word of it gets around you’re gonna be labeled as easy and trust me, that’s the last thing you want.
Since drinking makes you vulnerable I would give it up for awhile or at least only drink around a group of friends who I trust and know wouldn’t try to take advantage of me.

Deleted User said 10 years, 10 months ago:

look the guys are making the move plain and simple, and MOST guys boast their conquests, slut is a term given by people, and people will term you that or easy at best, i know i would to my guy friends, word gets around fast. If you really want multiple partners, make sure word doesnt get out, i dont see how it will not honestly.

Яadia Hips said 10 years, 10 months ago:

i love how all the sluts are like “yeah, you’re totally not a slut, nuh ugh, no way!” hahaha

MLG said 10 years, 10 months ago:

I don’t really believe in sluttiness. I think you’re just sexually active and open and that’s not necessarily a bad thing at all.

Jen said 10 years, 9 months ago:

You’re far from a slut my dear. From what you’ve said, it may be the alcohol. Or you could be sexually active, which is in no way a bad thing. Sex is actually very healthy! And you’re allowed to drink and let yourself go! I think if you’re going to drink you need someone there who can get you out the situation if it’s going to far. Me and my friends have a code word i.e PEANUTS!

All I’m going to say is, it’s your life. You can do what you want. As long as you’re having sex safely that’s okay. I would carry some condoms in your bag just in case, that way they are there if you need them.

Wish you all the best x

JustRachel said 10 years, 9 months ago:

If you ever have even the slightest feeling that something is wrong with you or your habits, something is wrong. Sexual desires are very difficult to ignore and temptation gets the better of us. Even if something feels really good when its happening, that doesn’t mean that it will still feel as great later. If you have regretted any of the things that you have been doing in the bedroom, then reflect upon yourself and try to understand why you have to sleep around so much. Is there anything that you can/want to change? If so, then change yourself, from the inside and out.

Getting in between the bound of two human beings who are so connected is something that you should avoid. Even if a relationship is having their problems, don’t get between it. Try to avoid all those guys coming up to you and tell them you’ve changed. Instead of saying that you don’t want to have sex with them, say that you can’t have sex with them, for you understand that you won’t do that anymore.

Also, try to forgive yourself. In order for others to forgive you, you must first forgive yourself.

megatron said 10 years, 9 months ago:

i’m a slut, too. own it, sister and don’t ever let anyone make you feel bad about your decisions. it’s your body and your life. do whatever you want.

kinkaide said 10 years, 9 months ago:

sending mixed messages to the menfolk is a problem … the old-fashioned game of no means yes can be quite a turn on … with the added bonus of placing the burden of responsibility onto the man … he seduced me … my mind said no but my body said yes … it may be a convenient way to reconcile the conscience the next day but what does it all mean to you? can you remember exactly what happened? how good was it? the sex i mean … if sex is good between two people generally they want to do it again (and again and again) and hey presto they are in some sort of relationship … IMHO if sex is average or awful then its not worth having … you are better off fixing yourself up at home alone than finding yourself wondering WTF happened last night … let alone worrying what your friends and their friends might be thinking and saying …

cliona said 10 years, 9 months ago:

I wouldn’t call you a slut, you simple like to have sex, and that’s just fine! Doing it all the time with anyone will not be good for your rep though so if you care about what others think of you, I’d tone it done. Maybe not as frequent.
Have you considered that you may just be lonely and craving affection? If so, maybe you want just one person to rely on and have as your own, you don’t need a variety of men.
I can’t tell you what to do, but I would suggest not bedding men in relationships though. I think even you can see that that’s not the way to go, it just causes problems for everyone involved. You don’t want to be that girl if you’re worried about being a slut. Just chill, and maybe let your vag be breathe for awhile girl!

Kind Wood said 10 years, 9 months ago:

Girl, lemme tell you something. There’s nothing wrong with casual sex as long as both parties are safe about it and it’s consensual. Sleeping with a bunch of men doesn’t make you a slut. However, sleeping with other men make you the “other woman.”

I kind of went through something like this. I’ll tell you what I felt, and maybe we’re feeling the same thing. I have low confidence. I thought the only way to get a guy to look twice at me is to put out. I’ve walked away with regrets and mistakes, but in the beginning, i thought no and ended us saying yes. The thing about taken men is that maybe on some level, you’re thinking relationship. Not necessarily with the guy, but in the long run. You’re hoping deep down one of those guys will want more than sex.

Hey, it happens. It worked for both my sisters, but it never worked for me. What you need to do is when you get in that situation, take a step back. Would you want your future boyfriend cheating on you? Is this really the best decision? One of next times, you guy friend’s girlfriend may find out. Then everyone finds out. Then, you will lose all of your guy friends.

Deleted User said 10 years, 8 months ago:

well its fine to have multiple partners, your only termed a slut, when thats all your known for – putting out being the easy lay, you know the hole where every guy can say he scored the goal, thats how guys think. if you are just active and not easy make sure its very discrete and with a smart guy, if you do care for reputation sake ,that way you wont be a slut.

kindly here said 10 years, 8 months ago:

The word slut is just pathetic and used by people that have no clue of how things run. So what if you’ve slept with a few guys? Does it make you a slut to be comfortable in your own body, because let me put this out there, I am jealous of you if you are able to attract guys like you say you can. I have changed my whole viewpoint on words that are used as sexual insults. People that use them are ignorant, ‘slut, whore, slag, hoe’ notice how they’re all feminine as well… hmm… Just don’t be so quick to judge someone who’s comfortable with their sexuality. Why is it a crime to sleep with a few men but not to hate your body?
You should do whatever you want, and if these guys are cheating on their girlfriends, then their relationships clearly aren’t all fine and dandy now are they.
Do whatever you’d regret the least

Ivaa said 10 years, 8 months ago:

well, you have needs, like we all do…But you don’t have to sleep with everyone around.If you want to be respected as a woman, you must first respect yourself. I had a similar problem, but in my case, I wasn’t sleeping with boys, just making out… With friends, in the club with strangers…and all that because of alcohol…but it’s not just the alcohol guilty for my behavior…I wanted attention, I wanted to raise my self-confidence,to show myself that I worth as woman…and it ended completely opposite… I felt slutty and all that guys were like “when will you come over, to my place, to watch movies, kiss and stuff?” And my reaction was “oh, that’s an offense, what do you think I am?! “… But I realized i caused that, my behavior and my attitude… So now I drink less, and have a brake in my brain which stops me doing things that make me feel bad and affect my reputation among boys… you should try that, just a little less alcohol and tomorrow you will feel better (and you won’t have a headache) :)

Vickie said 10 years, 8 months ago:

Okay, first off, I don’t want you to EVER think you’re a slut. You have never been and never will be a slut. We aren’t even going to think about that.

Now, you in the bed with groups of friends. If you can’t drink and keep yourself composed, it’s probably not for you to drink while at random parties. At least don’t drink the hard stuff, drink a beer or ale instead. Pull out the tequila when you are at a friend’s house with people you trust. I have been there…one minute you take a shot and then the next minute you plow into the vodka wall and you’re wrecked. The stories I have….that’s for another time. Anyway:

People like to pray on others who are drunk; trust me I am the protective pitbull for my friends who like to drink a bit too much while they are out and I see them being led somewhere by someone we don’t know. You don’t want that for yourself. You have to deal with the backlash coming from yourself and the guys calling you. Dealing with that sober really isn’t fun so I would just dial down the drinks and not go home with anyone.

Deleted User said 10 years, 8 months ago:

no you are not a slut, you are beautiful :) (hugs)