Mark said 11 years ago:

What do you want to do? Research? Counseling? What is it?

I personally am interested in doing crisis counseling. I’m interested in working in inpatient units in hospitals (specifically for adolescents) or working/volunteering for suicide hotlines. I think I have a knack for helping people who are contemplating suicide or find themselves in dark places. I have absolutely no interest in research psychology, but I respect those that do.

Deleted User said 11 years ago:

I currently have a job in computer programming and I do counselling in my free time. I have a diploma in counselling. I enjoy a mix of situations. Due to family history alcoholism and mental illness are dear to my heart and I would really like to make a difference volunteering in my community. I have to free up more time to do this successfully though.

Sentinel said 11 years ago:

I am personally torn between therapy and research

Nehal said 11 years ago:

I would like to teach Psychology instead of working in clinical settings

Diana said 11 years ago:

Psychotherapy – I’ve already sort of started as a volunteer and I’m getting my qualification soon. But I recently noticed I enjoyed counseling just as much :)

Diana said 11 years ago:

@Sentinel – don’t worry, you can do research within your therapy practice too! Or research therapy-related topics – that’s very much needed, with all the difficulties in researching something like this scientifically. Good luck!

SecretlyLiza said 10 years, 11 months ago:

I recently graduated high school and in the fall I will begin college majoring in Child Psychology.

bricheese said 10 years, 11 months ago:

I think I want to go more research based or clinical even, just so I can be in neuroscience just because that interests me a lot. Ideally I’d love to be a professor so I could do my own research but a person can dream :)

Ruhoodenough said 10 years, 11 months ago:

Criminal behavorist .

Kirstin Lopez said 10 years, 11 months ago:

I’m unsure so far what it is i’d like to do. i’m majoring in fine arts but minoring in psych probably so maybe some art therapy but i’m also interested in helping victims of sexual abuse so we’ll see where things take me..

melodymonster said 10 years, 11 months ago:

I’m majoring in guidance and counseling, semester just started a month ago. But I think I’m the one who needs a counseling first. o.O

Diana said 10 years, 11 months ago:

@melodymonster Don’t worry, it’s actually a requirement to be a client before you practice :) It’s a wonderful thing that you are aware of your own need. Best of luck!

Kuhu said 10 years, 11 months ago:

Therapy and particularly Art Therapy ..

Aiyana said 10 years, 10 months ago:

Therapy. In particular, working with trauma and DID clients.

crystal said 10 years, 10 months ago:

I really want to be some sort of researcher. Criminal psychology fascinates me too. I don’t want to be a type of therapist or anything medical. I want to know why people do what they do. Is there something that relates to this? Please help, I’m willing to do many years of school.