Sarah said 10 years, 1 month ago:

Any other obsessive fans of Avengers, Thor, Thor the Dark World, etc?

I am waiting with baited breath for Avengers 2 and hopefully a third Thor movie.

The characters and actors are the best… especially Tom Hiddleston. :3 And Loki is fascinating in original Norse mythology!
Downey Jr. and Hemsworth are great too.

Socially Awkward Aardvark said 10 years, 1 month ago:

I have not been able to watch Thor yet (I know I’m a disgrace) however, I am majorly obsessed with Avengers. I (embarrassingly) have started to write a fanfiction about it >_< I'm kind of lame that way. And I totally agree about how interesting Loki is in the original Norse mythology ^_^. Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo are my favorite actors, so I was in huge luck to see them all in one thing together and then on top of it to love it so much.

Kennedy said 10 years, 1 month ago:

I am excited for the Avengers 2! I just recently seen Thor 2 not that long ago and it wasn’t bad at all but I must say the first was better in my opinion! Tom Hiddleston plays a great Loki. Something about his character is well acted. I really like Downey Jr and Evans. They are both genuinely nice and funny guys. They are also very giving especially Downey Jr. I remember seeing the midnight premiere of The Avengers with my dad. It was packed and full of fun/excitement! That was the best night (:

Sarah said 10 years, 1 month ago:

@socially-awkward-aardvark YOU MUST WATCH IT. hahaha. Yeah, the Avengers are the best, OMG fanfiction is great, not lame! I read it aaaallll the time, and tried writing some, poorly. You could upload it to fanfic sites if you like.

@kennedyt123 Yeah I liked the first too. I’ve seen Tom in several other movies too, his acting is just fantastic :3 I love listening to all those actors in interviews, they are really funny and adorable.

Lilith said 10 years, 1 month ago:


Lilith said 10 years, 1 month ago:

*whispers* Thorki Forever

nat said 10 years, 1 month ago:

I’m completely obsessed with Avengers and Marvel in general


but unfortunately he will not be in Avengers 2 and Thor 3 probably won’t be out for another 2-3 years (a whole year without Avengers movies I don’t know what I’ll do)

Deleted User said 9 years, 10 months ago:

I’ve watched both Thor movies and really enjoyed them! I haven’t watched any Avengers movies though, although they sound interesting. I might start watching some of those.

Deleted User said 9 years, 7 months ago:

Yep, I’m obsessed.

Deleted User said 9 years, 7 months ago:

Yep, I’m obsessed.