bwkeys45 said 10 years, 5 months ago:

I know that motivation is a huge part of staying on top of your depression. Here’s a few I use:

-Have a mantra to say to yourself everyday (mine is “I am able, I am well, I am beautiful.”)
-Find the one thing you love and focus on that to get you through the tougher days (practise an instrument, go for a jog, do some painting, whatever!)
-Reward yourself for getting through something tough or unenjoyable (homework, etc.) with a break or a little snack

Feel like brainstorming some ideas for people in a rough patch? We can make this the holy grail of staying motivated! :)

sisi said 10 years, 3 months ago:

the trick to staying motivated is saying “i can” and doing good things you love

Kimberly said 9 years, 12 months ago:

I think of motivation like, no matter how far you’re falling, there’s always someone of something there to catch you. There may be a point where you’re in a bit of a rut, but just remember that it’s only temporary (i say that to myself at least three times a day, and eventually it sticks). It takes time, but there’s more where that came from. And just remember, it’s ok not to be ok.