siovannie said 10 years ago:

I just finished the Shining by Stephen King. My first time reading it, I was blown away. I’m looking for the movie now, and then I’m going to start on the sequel Doctor Sleep.

Deleted User said 10 years ago:

I’m currently reading Maze Runner cause I heard it was really good and then I recently discovered the Dollenganer series, but beware because it has a lot of triggers in it, so if you choose to read, just be cautious.

m said 10 years ago:

I’m reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte :)

Deleted User said 10 years ago:

Reading “The Bears and I” by Robert Franklin Leslie. BEAUtifully written and easy for reading.

It is how man taking care of the three orphan-bears since their mother have been shot by the hunters. So good and the describtion of the Canadian woods makes me want to go there.

Highly recommended.

Priscilla Bernadine said 10 years ago:

I’m currently reading The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak. And here’s a list of books I’ve read. Thought I should share, maybe you could find something you might like.

DJ Not Nice said 10 years ago:

I’m reading book 5 of A Song of Ice and Fire, A Dance With Dragons, by George R. R. Martin. Screw the bloody Game of Thrones TV series, the books are way better.

Asphyxiated-Arson said 10 years ago:

haha smutty fanfic. *coughs* And The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest. Deffo recommend the Millenium trilogy to anyone who hasn’t read it.

cynicalgravy said 10 years ago:

I am reading Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift. It seems to be a classic satire of human conditions written in the 18th century. At first, nearly every word was capitalized, like for example:
“About four Hours after we began our Journey, I awaked by a very ridiculous Accident; for the Carriage being stopt a while to adjust something that was out of Order, two or three of the young Natives had the Curiosity to see how I looked when I was asleep; they climbed up into the Engine, and advancing very softly to my Face, one of them, an Officer in the Guards, put the sharp End of his Half-Pike a good way up into my left Nostril, which tickled my Nose like a Straw”
I guess that’s how it was written back then, but I found it a little irritating at first. Soon however, I got comfortable.

Deleted User said 10 years ago:

“Alchemist” Paolo Koeljo. Table book forever.

Ssspire said 10 years ago:

recently finished reading “The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared”, if you’ve ever seen the movie Forrest Gump and like stories like that, then you should definitely give this book a look

Anette said 9 years, 12 months ago:

Just finished reading The Fault In Our Stars.. it was real good!
Now i’m reading The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman.. liked the first one of that series so i thought why not continue :)

LaurieLizRose said 9 years, 11 months ago:

I’m almost halfway through City of Bones (book 1)…My friend’s been trying to get me to read it for over a year and I figured an 8 hour plane journey was the perfect opportunity to get into it! :)

Sparkles said 9 years, 11 months ago:

I’m currently reading the book called “A Thousand Splendid Suns,” by Khaled Hosseini. Just finished reading the first one, The Kite Runner. I didn’t know the author had more books other than the first one. I’m pretty excited!! They are great said 9 years, 11 months ago:

I have been looking for good reads in wattpad. Unique and beautiful ones. I just finished ‘In 23 days’. It was actually a nice read, just wishing the author wrote it longer. It was about having a deal with death to go back in time for 23 days to go save someone from committing suicide. The protagonist is an amazing character.

Deleted User said 9 years, 11 months ago:

I am currently reading Eleanor & Park. I am already halfway through it. It’s sweet that can make you feel in love again. Ha! This is my kind of reading tho.