JulsRomualdi said 10 years, 4 months ago:

What are your thoughts on reading books and then seeing their film counter or seeing the movie then reading the book? WHich is better, does it really alter your view?

I’ve only read books then seen the movies, I’ve always preferred it that way. But I was wondering what others’ thoughts might be on it.

me said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I don’t know if this is a sophisticated book or not, but I watched the Hunger Games and then read the books. I just finished the last one tonight and it was very strange to have seen two movies and had pre determined notions of what the scenes / chapters looked like in my head. It was strange having to use my imagination for the last book when the previous two books had laid out for me how I saw it. Ironically the books are kind of about not letting other people control you. I don’t know… just related to this question.

Riss said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I think it’s an awesome idea, but one that can very easily turn sour. I’m dying to see The Book Thief. I’m hoping they did the book justice!

Jess said 10 years, 4 months ago:

If a movie comes out that has a book to it, I probably won’t read it, just watch the movie (unless it’s insanely good), but if a movie comes out and I have read the book, or know the book is good or I have it already, I will read first, then watch. If that makes sense.

I watched Girl, Interupted and I really enjoyed it and I want to read Susanna’s actual memoirs as well.

Same with Requiem For A Dream, I highly enjoyed that movie, it’s brilliant, so I bought the book, but the book is.. different. It has no real indication of when it’s a ‘narrator’ talking, or one of the characters, it’s very.. lacking in grammar. Obviously on purpose, but it makes it less enjoyable to read, for me anyway.

I am looking forward to seeing The Book Theif, but I haven’t read the book. I have it. I want to try again. I got it a few years ago, but my tastes and reading level have changed, so.

Also, I’m looking forward to the Vampire Academy movie, I’m a huge fan of that series, the movie looks like it could be very bad, or very good, but it is going to be different from the books. The movie is taking a very comedic and immature angle, but that’s only a small portion of the books.

Also, The Fault In Our Stars movie. I’ve read the book and towards the middle, it gets very messy. Oh so messy. John must have tired as hell or a bit lost, but I really hope that messiness doesn’t show in the film, because I quite enjoy the story and characters, as generic as it is.

AND I watched The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, which is an alright movie, not as good as everyone makes it seem, and then tried to read the book and I stopped half way through and gave up. It was awful.

So, it can go either way really. Books CAN be better than movies, movies CAN be better than books. I guess it depends on your tastes in reading and writing styles and actors and everything involved in writing a book or making a movie, as well as your general preference (book vs movies).

(Sorry this post is very messy. I rambled :P .)

Humanist Hope said 10 years, 4 months ago:

Truth be told, I stopped expecting faithful interpretations of books in movie adaptations.

At the end of the day, Hollywood is a business, not an artistic entity, and they have rules by which they stubbornly abide. Rules that do not exist in books. Altering a story to fit marketability is the worst kind of travesty to a fine story, but the ones in Hollywood are out to make money, not satisfy fan expectations.

There is a chart by which movies are judged, and it follows a principle of homogeneity; that all Hollywood movies must contain a little of this and a little of that. Instead of making movies that some people will go nuts over, they make movies that everyone is more likely to enjoy at least a little bit. Sales are sales.

It stunts creativity, but that is the reality of their movie-making model.

Basically, I hold no expectations of Hollywood.

Lizzy said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I read the Harry Potter series first, then saw the movies (which were pretty awesome). I actually saw The Hobbit before reading the books, and it was really interesting. However, when I read the Mortal Instruments series (pretty good) then saw the movie, I was pretty surprised at how much they had missed.

Catrinmm23 said 10 years, 4 months ago:

Some turn into movies flawlessly other just make the book trash.

Evie said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I think that usually the book is way better. But I have only two cases where the movie is just as good if not better.

Equally awesome- The Shining
Movie better than the book- A Clockwork Orange

Blackpea said 10 years, 4 months ago:

i prefer books… when they come out as movies they just cut out details…
I hate it when I couldn’t see my imagination from the book brings to reality in movies …

Hearmenow said 10 years, 4 months ago:

Honestly, it depends really. But as a general rule, the book is better than the movie. But also, I think you need to keep in mind the fact that it’s two different media, and it’s pretty much impossible for it to be exactly the same. And especially if you already have a certain picture of what it’s like, and then you see the movie and it’s completely different.

Then again, there are movies who actually are better than the book they were written by.

Vivid Melody said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I agree that both are very different art forms and should be viewed in that light. For me, it just depends on the movie or book in question. I mean sometimes I’ll read the book and it will be almost exactly like the movie (especially if the author helped work on the movie or show) so…not much disappointment there.

I think sometimes the actors they choose for the characters can be disappointing or when they leave certain important characters out completely in the movies but it is what it is. Books aren’t perfect either. I feel like I’m more of a visual person even though I also enjoy the written word very much.

I do feel like a lot of people always say the book is better simply to brag about the fact that they read a book – making them appear intellectual? I think that’s stupid.

mash said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I find that sometimes i just think of it as two things like ooh thats a good book and then i try not to judge the movie on the book but if I’m in love with a book #divergent then the movie is doomed to be attacked by the end. i think the only book to movie I’ve liked recently was catching fire cause it wasn’t to far off… as far as movies go

Deleted User said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I actually like movie adaptions of books. I love to see how directors try to visualize what we’ve read. Most of the time, it seems changed and some fans rage over that, but I’ve never thought very much of that. Other than Catching Fire’s relationship idea… That was just too much kissing. Or maybe the book had it and I kinda skipped those parts XD

Felicity said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Personally, I sometimes prefer the movie, sometimes the book and sometimes I like them equally. Most of the time, I don’t mind if a movie changes a little bit because they are on a time limit that books don’t have and the movie has to cut some parts off.

I mostly read the books first but sometimes I see the movie first.

punky said 10 years, 1 month ago:

If I watch a movie that I’ve read the book for I usually spend the whole time criticizing every little detail they got wrong, which is unfair I know.
I almost always prefer the book to the movie. The only times I don’t are when I like them equally or for different reasons, such as The Green Mile and Lord of The Rings respectively.