ChaCha said 10 years, 1 month ago:

Do we know what we “really” want? Do you want to be an engineer? or a doctor? or anything else? Or are you being forced to study those? I have a strange one. I wanted to be a doctor but I had many options. My family forced me to study medicine instead of all the others.

daniela said 10 years, 1 month ago:

I went to school for something I am good at but I would’ve preferred to study arts instead… oh well, I guess I can always do that as a hobby. Sadly enough nowadays you gotta be able to pay the bills. If you study something or find a job that you enjoy on top of that… that’s just a bonus :/

Zeltallica said 10 years, 1 month ago:

I sometimes think about how if I could change one thing in my life via starting over, it would be to know the major I wanted to be in now while I was in highschool.

But whatever, I found that I loved Hospitality because it looks features like communication and tourism. I think thats what everyone should try when looking for a major. What you enjoy, and what you feel happy working towards.

The Giggle Blizzard said 10 years, 1 month ago:

I used to study cause I wanted to be something important though I haven’t been sure what, and I have had decent grades but the last two years I have been so tired of school and everything that I’m gonna finish with terrible grades and will probably have a really hard time getting into an education I want. To be fair though, my ambitions right now lie beyond school and I wish it wasn’t such a big deal but I’m gonna have a hard time getting a job.