The Giggle Blizzard said 10 years, 2 months ago:

There are things that happen that can nearly be called supernatural, but only because we do not fully understand how the universe works, not because they are unexplainable.

Deleted User said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Yeah I agree with you on that.

But if I just follow the simple definition of an Atheist, then I am one. The one that says you don’t believe in any gods.
I don’t really believe in ghosts, but I am just so uncertain when it comes to dark/black magic, as I haven’t gained much knowledge about that (yet).

The Curious One said 10 years, 2 months ago:

i honestly think of myself as religion neutral although if someone asks me what religion i follow i say atheism because it’s just sampling than explaining that i don’t feel ready enough to choose what i believe as of this point in my life so really i don’t belong to any religions, yet because i think that you should think about which religion fits with your beliefs and morals before you go dive into one.

Deleted User said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Well fear is not root cause, it is desire!!@theclearmind
without desires, there would be no fear and no pain, obviously there would be no pleasure too, as we wouldnt desire anything.
We, as humans, will always have desires, unless we somehow reach buddha level lol..
edit: i just remembered buddhas history, he was a prince who over indulged in everything he could get his hands on, then for some reason he went to isolation, starvation, no desires to find his true calling or wtv, and then he became enlightened, and realized what every man deep down knows, but is blinded too, im not sure about it exactly but its a great research topic in free time!

Deleted User said 10 years, 2 months ago:

That’s true @limitless the wish and desire for a higher purpose.
That is also one of the main reasons of why people with religion, stick to them. Or that others search for religion. To fulfill their lives a bit more.
That’s how I see it.
BUT that being said, I also think fear drives people to religion. Com on, like “if you commit this sin, you will go to hell.. If you aren’t believing in this, you will have pain..”

I think it’s clear why we would have desires as humans. We will always have a crave for more, more of life more of this and that.
I think it’s important we feel that way, it’s one of the key-elements of developments, even though mostly everything has a good and a bad side.

Yes! I am totally going to study a lot about religions, just to gain further knowledge..
It’s good to know what’s out there, or at least have a taste (;

Angel Demon said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I’d like to add a bit of my own knowledge to this;
Atheism is the lack of belief in a greater power, deity, or god. That doesn’t directly correlate to anything supernatural. So in short, yes you can be an atheist and believe in spirits, or ‘ghosts’ as you people are so accustomed to calling them.
@theclearmind when it comes to things such as black magic, the power in it is held by the willpower and belief of its wielder and intended target. In other words, the only way for it to be able to affect you is if you allow it in, which you cannot do if you don’t believe in it. And if you don’t believe in it, then any person attempting to use it isn’t going to affect you, if you were the intended target who doesn’t believe in it. Another way this form of ‘magic’ works is through fear; if they can strike fear into you, then this is a way of being able to affect you as well, since the only way you can fear something is if you believe in it.

Deleted User said 10 years, 2 months ago:

@theclearmind im glad you always want to know more, like myself:)
The reason i view desire as the root cause for everything, ill illustrate with a simple example,
Most peoples desire is to live, to survive, to be loved, because of these desire, we fear the outcome when these said desires is not fulfilled, that leads to pain, and all other “evils”. Imagine we had no such desires, coz we have no fear of death, no need to survive, no desire for love, or pain from love, there would literally be nothing to fear, as desire of such things is non existent, but as it exists in reality, it makes us human, its ingrained in our subconcious, survival and to feel loved.
So, that’s why I feel desire is the root cause for peoples fear.
Obviously, that’s my perspective, and it could be explained better!
Maslow i feel summarized human needs/desires perfectly,
check this out's_hierarchy_of_needs
to reach the final level of self actualization according to Maslow, one must not only take care of his lower needs on the pyramid, but also master them, before he can fully realize his potential, and purpose as some might say.
Surprisingly, I find myself at at level 4, even 5 at times, without feeling completely fulfilled in love and safety, but that’s why it is just a theory eh:)

An easier way of understanding Maslovs theory is to read up on ERG theory, personally, I find it more applicable when they are both combined.

Deleted User said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Moon said 10 years, 1 month ago:

I’ll admit I’m not invulnerable to irrational fears. Additionally, I can’t resist a good ghost story. I love hearing about other people’s creepy experiences. I love watching the stupid ghost hunting shows and sitting through a good horror movie on a dreary day.

There are several things I question, such as why people who experience sleep paralysis seem to see horrible figures. I, for one, have seen the dreaded ‘shadow person’, hovering over me with no other conceivable purpose than to scare the living shit out of me. I don’t understand why we have to have such terrifying projections. The brain is a fascinating organ.

Moral of the story(?): I shamelessly indulge in ghost tomfoolery.

Deleted User said 10 years ago:

If I don’t believe in that we have souls, does that mean that I can’t believe in ghosts?
I just believe most of the supernatural things are created by humans (they are), which explains why they lack common sense.
I can’t believe in that we have souls. I believe that you get born as a body, formed by genetics. Then from there, your upbringing set the foundation for your personality, and then thereafter you build on your character year after year. I don’t believe we have this things inside. That our souls has to go somewhere after death.
I believe we end in the same place we are, when we are unconscious, like when we sleep or are drugged to be prepped for a large surgery.
I don’t believe in any deity, because I believe that religion was created by humans. I don’t need a higher purpose in my life.
This is what -> I <- think. I know I don't think alike with others, but I am free to speak. I don't regret what I say and I am not sorry if I step on others toes, because I respect most opinions on this topic. Some religions/cults are just way too fucked for me to respect.

I will tag you that joined this thread, because I am curious to get your opinion on what I just typed.

@blackholehead, @nicnac, @limitless, @chibiru, @goodlistener86, @poet, @jesuswasrussian, @tragic, @yeahimdown, @14shadow, @io-oi, @rondo, @loverofpitbulls101, @crzzy247, @giggleblizzard, @carolinemxo, @moon.

Siddharth Raj said 10 years ago:

Hi @theclearmind!

I didn’t go through every reply on this thread, so what I am about to say might have already been said. Apologies for that and the very long post.

I am an Atheist or so I have been told. I also discovered that I am a nihilistic person. I don’t believe in “Good” or “Evil.”

Regarding your original question. I feel that it is impossible to classify any open-minded person as just atheist or any thing else. There are so many questions, unexplained phenomenon, contradictions within a person’s personality and beliefs. Thus, one person may never fit into a set definition. (Exceptions are always there, of course)

I found a word to describe my beliefs as close as possible. That word also depends on my vocabulary, my knowledge. So I am an Atheist until told or discovered otherwise.

About Ghosts. Well that depends on whether ghosts can be scientifically proven or not.

If it is proven in the future that they exist, you will still be an Atheist unless they prove that god exists as well. In that case, the term Atheist will be equivalent to the term for the flying spaghetti monster believer.

If it is proven otherwise (ghosts do not exist), and you still continue to believe in them, then, as far as I understand the word Atheist, you will cease to be one. I do not know the correct term that will be applied for this situation. I feel that Atheism deals with practicality, but I may very well be wrong.

If everything remains a doubt like it is today, you can continue to choose to be an Atheist.

Personally, I believe that ghosts or any other supernatural/ paranormal activity is just an illusion. They don’t exist. Having said that, I will tell you a short story that contradicts this and I haven’t been able to explain the predicament.

My grandmother used to live in a small town. To cut to the chase, a young 3-4 year old boy in a neighboring house started talking about his previous life. He told facts and events impossible for a boy of that age to come up on his own. His parents, fed up, took him to the address in another city far away (yes, he remembered the address!). There, they discovered that his story was completely true. He was murdered by his brother for the family business. He recognized his widowed wife. He remembered every detail about the house. And this is the end of the story.

This is a clear case of rebirth. If rebirth can exist, this means the souls exist. If souls exist, ghosts exist. Now, for me, this should have been a moment of clarity but it wasn’t. Far from it. I still feel that there must be some other explanation to it. The foremost being the story is made up. My grandmother didn’t witness this first hand, so nobody knows how much it was twisted before it reached her ears.

The point of this story was to illustrate that it all comes down to the scientific credibility.

Since, we have already started speaking about souls.

Once again, I feel that it comes down to the scientific aspect.

I “heard” about this experiment conducted some time ago.

Scientists sealed a soon-to-die body in a air-tight, vacuum container. If souls exist, they must have some mass. Now, from what I was told, when the person died, the weight was reduced by a very very small amount. This proves that souls exist.

However, if this experiment actually produced that result, we wouldn’t be having this debate.

Without any scientific proof, we are only stabbing in the dark. I may choose to believe that I killed the last son of a dinosaur and a dragon or I may choose to believe that I am mad or I may just go sit in the corner, huddled up.

Personally, I completely agree with you that souls do not exist. When we are born, it’s all about genetic make up.

Interesting fact: Initially, life was evolved underwater. When it came on land, the eyes had to re-adapt as it was too bright. Even now, our eyes haven’t been able to catch up with our underwater ancestors.

When we die, I believe we cease to exist. It’s like an eternal, dream-less sleep.

Since you mentioned religion. All religions preach the same message about how to be a better human being. There are some differences that arise due to geographical distances.

For eg:

1. Zoroastrianism doesn’t allow dead bodies. They have high tower-like altars on which they place the bodies for the vultures to feed. I assume, this practice came into being to keep the vultures from attacking the live population.

2. The Aryan race that formed the first civilization in India were obsessed with hygiene. Therefore, in orthodox Hinduism, menstruating women are treated as impure and unclean. They are not allowed anywhere near the kitchen and temples. Anything they touch will be washed immediately to purify it.

In the end, I believe God was introduced to religion by scholars to influence the mass uneducated population. You will go to hell if you don’t do this. You will go to heaven if you do this. Fear is more motivating than logic.

Try not to view the religion as a package. Pick it apart and try understanding the origin of the practices you find fucked up. By the whole package logic, I may choose to classify America solely on the wars, rednecks, etc. I may choose to classify India solely on it’s poverty and prudishness. Instead see where they come from.

Having said that, I would add that I am a godless man and I do not follow any religion but I do respect the people following them and try not to hurt their feelings. I hate extremes, of course.

PS: I read someone talking about Buddha running away from a princely life. Gautam Buddha was a prince named “Siddharth”. He got fed up with the materialistic life and left his home leaving everything behind. Very hard for a prince to do. He observed all the misery and poverty spread in the lands. He sat down under the Bodh Gaya tree in Bihar(a state in India) and meditated. He opened his eyes, only when he achieved enlightenment.

Deleted User said 9 years, 3 months ago:

From what I know, you can be an atheist and believe in ghosts. And, Buddhists are atheists, right?

Deleted User said 9 years ago:

I have a friend who is Buddhist and atheist (or nihilist) so I’m not really sure because I know other people who are just Buddhist Adn I am atheist or nihilist. I so believe that all the atheist and beople without believes of gods become spirits when thay die. That’s my opinion thou.