broken girl said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Okay so I’m trying to write a new story and I would love your input!

The broken girl’s notebook

First off my name is Araiana, Ara for short. Ara Maria Garcia Perez. And I’m about as normal as any highschool girls get. I am a nerd, and I’m proud of that! I love reading I have the highest grades of any student as River wood High and I like being by myself. Its easier that way. You don’t have to worry about friends backstabbing you, guys ignoring you, or getting hurt. And you can deal with all emotional pain on your own. Without anyone to ask how you’re doing or of you’re okay.

Alright so maybe it isn’t so great.

So here’s a tidbit about me, I love music. My mother used to say that when I was born I was screaming harmony to her screaming. I’ve always liked music, and all types too. I love the bass on rock, the uncontrolled form of metal, the softness of love songs, the meaning of some alternative, the list goes on and on.

When I was five my parents broke up. My dad went one way and my mother another, I was with my mom and my twin brother with my dad. I miss both of them. My brother and me were inseparable when we were younger. We got into tons of trouble but we were always together. I wish mom and dad never split up but its thirteen years too late.

And then when I was twelve my mom died. She looked fine one day and then the next, i saw her in a casket. I was devastated. I thought I’d have to go into foster care until my dad showed up. First thing that went through my he a was I’ll finally get to see my brother Leo! He wasn’t there. Second thing, I’ll have my dad back? NOPE! He showed up with another woman the day of the funeral and said ‘this is your new family’ and then upped and left. I haven’t seen my dad since then.

My new siblings were two sister that were both younger then me. Daphne was a year then I am and she was just about as different as you can get. Quoting the words of Winnie the Pooh, she is short, fat and proud of that. She was only 4 foot 8 and compared to me she looked like a midget. A midget clown. I don’t know how she wears so much makeup.

And then there’s Cassandra. She was one when dad brought them home, and I fell in love with her. She was going to take my old room til the midget, said that she liked how I had my posters, then took my room and my posters that my mom had gotten signed by the artists.

My mom had been a photography for bands and she knew all of my favorite bands, hence the posters. The only thing I had left of my mother was my website, and a journal. I kept them with me all the time. People didn’t notice me so I would write, and play music. And wish for a better life.

The first night was hard, the banshee, aka Daphne, kept talking on her cell phone. Her cell phone! Who gives a eleven year old a cell phone!? The only thing I had was a laptop but I couldn’t carry that everywhere. Well I had a iPod, and it could access my music website so I was fine. But I couldn’t sleep. The last time I had been in the attic was when I saw my mom. The last time I saw my mom.


“Ara, get down here now!”

There’s my wake up call. I groan as I sit up. I don’t usually wake up at four in the morning, unless the banshee comes back from one of her “parties”. And then I’m on what I call the “keeping hair out of her face while she’s sick” job. Its the worst job ever.

But that’s what I do. I’m the doer of things. I grabbed my headphones from my nightstand and race down the steps to the living room finding not a sick step sister, but a police officer. I smiled at him and shook his hand. I worked with at the police office during summer.

“Hello Ara, how are you?” This was officer Dunham. He is one of the tallest guys I know. The man’s almost seven feet! Only an inch short!

“A little tired, but I’m fine,” I say and bit my lip, a nervous habit. I always bit my lip when I was on the spot. “What’s up?”

“You, Missy are in trouble!” Says the wicked witch of the west. Or better known as, my step mom. I ignored her and kept my gaze on Dunham. I lifted an eyebrow as he shook his head.

“Actually I was looking for your other daughter, the midget- I mean shorter one.” He had seen me do a quick shake of my head. Last time someone had called her a midget, well let’s just say they haven’t been to school anytime since then.

“No can’t be,” she said with a smile. “Daphne isnt a bad girl. This one must have done it. And she knows she did, see she’s biting her lip.”

Dunham shook his head and pulled me aside. “She acts like a teenager, are you okay here?”

“I’m fine, how can I leave? Mom said that this is where I belong and even if I was to leave I’m only seventeen, they can drag me back by my chain.”

He shook his head and sighed and stepped back towards the witch. “She hasn’t done anything, I’m afraid. I will have to keep searching.”

She nodded throwing me a death glare. I didn’t care. I watched as he left then I ran up the steps to my attic room. I had a website to control. Every day at four AM I get on and then play songs, DJ, and just be myself, online. My self in the real world was well different. I was a nerd. I even had the broken nerd glasses that I needed for class cause my seat was in the back of the class in the corner where no one could see me.

“Hey, everyone! What up today?” I say into my headphone mic. I loved to DJ and it helped that I opened up a chat room so they could answer me. I already had thirty k on! I am popular today!

“Alright, so this morning I thought we’d go classical and play something for my band players! How bout some Bach?” I hit play and then slip into my shower. I had my own shower in the attic cause the banshee insisted I used her shampoo cause my hair looked longer. Um my hair growns really fast! Which I LOVE!!!!! But yeah the witch made me fix the bath in the attic.

I ran out of the shower once the water went cold. Sadly if someone else uses the shower then mine goes cold. So I dried off and pulled on my normal skinny jeans with a band T and my converse. I pulled my desk chair up and clicked on the viewer number. Forty thousand!! What!!!!! Oh I am so popular right now!

“Ara, can you do my hair?” Cassie’s small voice asked. I turned around and smiled. She always had me do her hair. I nodded and pulled out some hair bands and my brush. She had long hair like me but it was very curly. So I usually did a braid. But today was gonna be Elsa’s hair. She loved Elsa. Once she built a snowman and tried to get it to talk like Olaf, she failed, naturally, but she’s loved snow and that movie ever since.

I was done with her hair as Bach went off. She looked at the screen while I pulled my headset on. She was the only one in this family that listened to my webshow. Which was fine, I didn’t care. She pointed at the screen and a comment left by one of my followers.

Who are you? Where do you come from?

“Okay, so I guess y’all want to know who I am? Well I am called Ara, as you know cause I’ve told you. And I’m a no body.” I paused as I looked at the comments. There was one that asked for Graphite Man by Rictor. “Okay so user Leo17, this is your callout! Here’s Graphite Man by Rictor!”

The number of comments for that song skyrocketed. It was the first time I’ve played it on there but it was soon the be one of their favourites. I looked down at the user Leo17. His profile, said he joined about a year ago but this was the first time he’s made a comment. I flintch as my page flashes. He, or she, has sent me a private message.

Leo17:Hi, thanks for playing my song! I love your site btw.

I smiled. He was the first to write to me through pm saying thanks. Usually all they want is their song to be played, yo k ow who I am, or if I’ll go out on a date with them. Um yeah no. Me like to be by myself.

DJAra:You’re welcome! You know, you’re the first person to say thanks.

Leo17:Wow really? I was taught to always say thanks, I’m a southern boy.

DJAra:Southerners have to stick with southerners, I’m from Kentucky, you?

I stared at the screen in shock. I didn’t not just sent him where I lived. I mentally slapped myself for being so careless. If he was to use that against me? Oh fiddle sticks. I’m dead.

Leo17:I am too! Well I was, I live in Virginia now, but we’re moving back, my dad and me, maybe we can meet up?

DJAra:Um, I hate to be mean but I don’t usually meet my users, I’m a shy type o’ girl.

Leo17 :Its fine, anyways I got to go to school, sadly.

I looked at the clock and it was flashing five thirty. Eep! I’m going to be late! I logged off and kissed Cassie’s head. She smiled as I raced down the steps to the door. I ran all the way to school so even though I had about thirty minutes I went early. The banshee went late. I passed the field and saw him. The perfect soccer player. And my crush. Not!!!!!!

He is every girl in my schools crush. His fit body, curly hair, brown eyes, and dark skin, girls went crazy for him. But not me. I didn’t like him cause he’s a player. He was my friend. Til he ripped me off. Now the only guy I have a crush on is Channing Tatum. But seriously, his abs, to DIE for!!!!!

I stopped at the washroom and pulled on my running shorts. While I loved to run I didn’t want Diaz to see me. But today I didn’t care. I wanted to run. And run I did. I started on the track, which sadly was on the soccer field, but I ran. I was halfway round the track when Diaz kicked the ball right at me. I saw it coming and I head butted it. A few of the guys whisteled as the ball went into a goal, his goal. I smiled. Let that be a lesson.

But I soon found a running buddy. He had joined me. I shook my head and ran faster but he was a soccer player, he knows how to run fast. Then I saw them. The track team had forgotten to put up the hurtles. I knew I could do them so I continued running to them. I heard a thump and knew he had fallen. I smiled and ran into the washroom changing into my invisible cloak. Which consist of my regular cloths that at school make me invisible.

I washed the sweat off my forehead and put on my headphones. I normally would have kept them off until Lassi showed up. But she was off in London. I bit my lip and head into the crowds of teens. I hated being in crowds. Til I heard him sing Love You Like a love song. Of course he would sing that song! Thats my favorite song.

I looked over my shoulder to see Diaz singing that song not to me, but to an Asian girl. I felt a tear slip down cheek before I turned back around and pulled that song up on my iPod. He had shown me this song and I fell in love with it. But he probably does that with all girls now.

I went to the back of English and put my headphones on. The teachers didn’t care, in was an all A student. School came natural to me. I used to read all these school books when I was little *cough* nerd *cough* and I loved it. So now I’m smart! And a nerd! Yes I am a nerd! Nerd and proud!! Now if I could shape shift to hide myself better that would be awesome!

Today we had a pop quiz, which I am the master of. I heard the back row shout as soon as the door opened. For there, late again, was Miss Beauty Queen, also my nemesis, and Lily Edwards. She is the typical blonde cheerleader. Why soccer needs cheerleaders, I will never know. I mean I love the sport but cheer leading is for basketball, football, and maybe field hockey? But soccer? Na-uh.

She strutted up to the back in her mini skirt , ignoring the wolf whistles. But as soon as the teacher turned her back she began to flirt with the guy next to her. I was sitting across the way from her and saw everything they did. Its gross and so inappropriate.

The moment the bell rang I had my homework on the table and was out. I was the first in, the first out. And I liked that. I was the least known and the least seen, except by the teachers. The only time I showed the true me was in art, gym, and music. I sang and played piano. I was a full out Alto. Which is awesome!

I saw an opening in the crowds and dived through. I was not getting crushed today. And found the door for art and run through, crashing into Diaz. I glared at him and took my sketch book to the front giving it to Miss Carmel. She looked them over once before giving me a sticker with an A on it. That’s why I liked Miss Carmel, she gave stickers.

I sat down in the middle and pulled my headphones off and smiled at the students. I loved art. I used to draw all the time when mom was living so I have a pretty good sense of art. Then he sat down next to me. I gave him my best death stare and turned to the front again. He looped his arm around me. I threw it off. He smiled at me. I punched him. I wish it was in the jaw but it was in the shoulder. He looked over at me. I turned his head for him.

“Come on girl, what’s up with you, babe?”

Babe? Did he just call me babe? I couldn’t stand it. I stood up and walked to a different desk. Not. I punched him, in the jaw, very forcefully. Then I stood and walked to a different desk. I looked over and saw his lip had split. I got an arm on me! That’s what happens when you mess with me. I bring out the big guns.

I was thirteen when we had met. I lost my mom two years ago, I had been getting anxiety attacks and freaking nightmares that kept me up at night. Then he came along and said he would help me, he would be there for me. And I fell for him. I fell for the biggest loser of all the world. And it wasn’t a simple crush, no, it was a I-like-you-so-much-I-dream-about-you crush. And we had hit it off. He was cute, nice, funny, there. I was broken, quiet, and messed up. We were perfect. Then skip a few years til last year. He cut all communication with me and started going out with someone else. I was devastated.

But my punch didn’t get to him. Even though he had a bruise already forming on his jaw he came and sat next to me again. Did I mention he is a stalker? Oh and a freak? Well he is! I hated him and I haven’t stopped hating him.

“Ara, now that’s not very nice. I mean I am your boyfriend after all.”

No. Oh hockey stick no. I gritted my teeth and looked him straight in the eye. He looked taken aback. He should. I was so mad at him I’m pretty sure I had steam going out of my ears.

“No your not, and you will never be. I hope you die choking on your ego. Because I seriously do not care one slightest bit. Get away from me and if you even talk to me again, I will hurt you.”

Unfortunately he didn’t get the chance to move. Miss Carmel had already gotten up and had started class talking about letting our emotions out while doing art. She wanted us to draw/ sketch/ paint a childhood memory. I pulled out my sketching pencils and book and drew. It was of my and my brother. We we’re on the swing set and I remember it was a sunny day. My mother had a picture of us swinging together and the lightingwas perfect. That was one of the best childhood memories with my bother.

I didn’t bother to look over at Diaz. I could tell he was looking at my and my sketch. I didn’t care anymore. As long as he kept quiet I didn’t care. The sketch turned out great. I was doing the shading on my brother when I was pushed from behind. It ruined the picture. Now it looked like Leo had a huge gash in his head. I turned around ready to shout at the person but I stopped when I saw Lily sticking her tongue down Diaz’s throat.

Gross on so many levels.

I moved to the back where Chase was. He smiled at me but didn’t say anything. He understands my need for silence. Chase is the typical bad boy except the fact that he is the nicest guy. People judge to quickly. Just because he wears a lot of black doesn’t mean he’s a bad boy. He really funny.

It was  a painting and me being a curious person looked over. Bad mistake. He wiped his brush across my arm. Bright pink might I add! I don’t wear pink let alone like it! Well unless it’s like a lip stick but I usually don’t wear lipstick but to the school dance. So being me I threw pink powder on his hair. He glared at me as I laughed. Even miss Carmel laughed by looking at him.

But even times like that cant keep me from running out of class. As the bell rang I was again the first one out of the class. I had my headphones on and music turned loud. I had brought my mic with me as now it is lunch. I went outside and turned on my laptop. Thankfully they allow students to use internet and laptops here, and I did. Ever week day.

“Yo wassup everyone? DJ A’s in the house! Haha just kidding, anyways, how’s everyone doing at lunch? Good yeah? No nah? Comment, love to hear from you! Okay so I’m feeling like party in the USA okay? Good!”

I clicked the mute button and read through my comments, bittng on my apple. The comments were the normal song shout outs but one stood out from the reason. It was the newest so I decided to do some sloothing. They had put the comment from earlier on also.

When are you going to stop being so insecure and tell us who you are?

That hurt. I didn’t want the whole world to know who I am. Not yet anyways. So I pmed him. And thankfully he was on. Or not thankfully whatever.

DJ Ara: Okay so you want to know who I am? Why?

Dfunck: Because you have been on the site for four years now. Come clean.

DJ Ara: Nah I’m good. I don’t like to be known.

Dfunck: That’s too bad, Ara Maria Garcia Perez.

DJ Ara: Sorry to burst your bubble but that’s so not me.

Dfunck: your gonna have to tell someone sometime. And when you do Miss Perez, I’ll know.

DJ Ara: sorry dude, but I don’t know you, for all you know I’m a guy who uses a voice changer to make my voice sound like a girl.

I smiled at myself. I was good at hiding who I am online. I have to do it all the time so I have become an expert. But now I know how Dfunck is. Man that kid is annoying me. I felt my phoine ring and say the caller ID. Sadly it was the banshee.

“Do you realize that you’re wearing my scarf?” She screaming into the phone. I smiled and rolled my eyes. She said that all the time. That I was wearing her skirt, of jeans or that I had taken her shampoo. I couldn’t wear her clothes, Im five five with long legs and even if I could I wouldn’t. Unless I wanted to look like I was a five year old girl that likes unicorns.

“And another thing! Mom says your in trouble! And she is pissed at you! You are so gonna get it!”

“First off, I’m not wearing a scarf, and second, no cussing! You already have a swear jar. You owe me twenty five cents.”

The line went dead on her end. I loved making her hate me. It was the perfect way of getting back for throwing away my posters to put of Justin Bieber on her walls. I had dug through the trash for those posters to find them completely ruined. I wanted to murder her. But I didn’t, I just murdered her Justin bieber posters and made it look like a break in. I even got some people to run in my house for the cameras. I know people, not that many but I know people.

So I was off the hook, she however was devastated. She cried for weeks! It was just a poster! And it wasn’t even signed! My posters were worth something, hers, well they could be burned for all I cared. She went so far to say that her chances with him were over because she didn’t have his posters anymore. Ha! Like she ever had a chance!

I smiled and looked at the time. The smile disappeared as I saw I had twenty minutes left. Then I saw them walk over. Ugh, why must today get worse!! He was leading a pack of his besties over towards me, so being the natural little sneak I logged onto my website using a profile made for me, keeping my phone out to change the song.

“You’re DJ Ara!” He accused. I raised my eyebrows at him and turned my laptop so he could see. My profile name was AMGP the initials of my name. He frowned and continued to stare at me. But it was short lived as a bunch of blonde bimbos crowded around them. I rolled my eyes and packed up. As I stood my black journal fell out of my bag. Both me and him saw it but I wasn’t about to let him see this. It was personal and he had no business messing in mine.

I grabbed it and zoomed away. I would be on track had they not had practice when he did. I had hated that, I really wanted to run. But I settled for running in the mornings and away from him. I was so over him but I guess he felt like crawling back to me. How cute. Not!!!

I sighed and went into my last class for the day, Math. *Dun dun duuuunnnn* I hated math more than anything but I was an all A student so it didn’t really matter. I made my way back to the back and put titanium on. I could listen to that song all day.

Math was as boring as it always is. Today we went over graphs! Ugh my favorite! Note the sarcasm. It was the worst subject ever!! I hated it more then I hated him. Well okay maybe I didn’t hate math that much. But it was a close second.

As soon as the bell sounded I was off like a cannon. Well til he grabbed me. Diaz had a death grip on my arm. So I hit him with my other one, well tried at least. He caught it and stopped me from moving. I still struggled, I did not want to be around him.

“Look, I know you hate me but I’m trying to make it up to you.” He said. He was hurting my wrist as he was holding me too hard. I tried to move but he wasn’t letting go. He even had the audacity to have a pleading look in his eyes. And this would be a class after he shared saliva with Lily.

“You are not nor ever will be my boyfriend! Now get your slimy, discussing hands off my-”

He kissed me. And it was a soft kiss that guys use to shut the girl up. But he had stolen my first kiss and I wasn’t about to let him steal any more from me.  So I bite him. Hard. He let go of my wrists and touched his now bleeding lip. I spat at him and ran. I wasn’t about to stay with him.


Back home I made supper for me and Cassie. We had noodles with chicken  and cheese and a home made tomato past. I actually like cooking. Well what I could cook. Momma taught me. She loved to cook and its one of my ways to remember her. After we ate the delicious meal I headed upstairs to my room. I knew I had a webshow to host and then I had to sleep. I needed sleep! I smiled at Cassie as she flopped down on my queen sized bed. I loved that bed. It was amazing!

I put on my mic and logged on. I already had most of my users on, which was awesome! I loved to DJ. I looked through the songs til I found the opening sing for frozen. I looked over at Cassie and then spoke through the mic.

“Okay everyone! DJ Ara is back in the house! Okay so this is a call out to my little sis who loves Frozen. Enjoy!”

I hit play on the song and smiled as she sang along. She was so sweet! I smiled as her. She was a joy. Nothing like her sister. If I could I would take her away from the banshee and witch and move somewhere far far away. I’ll be eighteen in a few weeks but since she was just my sister it was illegal but if I could I would.

I played through the Frozen songs since a lot of my users were commenting good things about it. I looked through my loop list till I found one I haven’t played in a while. It was calling on an adventure. Basically almost all the songs had an adventure theme to them. I was just about to hit play and log off when I got a pm

Dfunck: You’re right, you aren’t Ara Maria Garcia Perez.

Dj Ara: You just figured that out?

He didn’t answer. I didn’t care. I looked over to see Cassie was asleep on my bed. Good, I would have her to protect me from my nightmares. She always did, and I knew I would have one tonight. I had one every night. Ever since he went MIA. But it didn’t matter too much I guess.

Time passed quicker then expected. I choose my song loop and signed off for the night. I crawled in bad and wrapped a protective arm around Cassie. She mumbled in her sleep but stayed still. I closed my eyes and saw the all to familiar nightmare creep upon me.

I sat up in my bed and knew that I was in a dream. I was at the school, as I was in every nightmare. I looked down and saw myself in a homecoming dress. It was a dark blue with silver leggings. I frowned, usually I was in a ball gown. I looked around and saw people dancing, everyone at school was there. I felt out of my comfort zone.

The clock stroke midnight and everyone sat down. I looked and saw I was in a group of twenty people. We sat down on couches and chairs and everyone took off their masks that were there every time. I took mine off and looked to my right side finding Diaz’s gaze locked on me. I stood hastily and ran out of the room into the night. I heard foot steps and knew he was following me.

I peeled off my heels and ran. I was glad it was a short dress, if I had been in a long dress I wouldn’t have been able to run as fast. I darted in between houses that I had never seen before. I kept hearing his steps behind me as I ran into a store. I ran past people with no faces before running into the same guy I had been running into in all of my nightmares. But this time instead of slipping by him a grabbed his wrist and dragged him with me.

“Ara, where are we going?” His voice was a low voice, it sounded so nice, but this was a dream. I couldn’t stop running for anything.

“Shut up and run,” I hissed and pulled him faster. He easily ran by my side and as I looked over, he smiled.

“Wait, in here,” he pulled me into a small brick house. I stepped inside and pulled the door shut behind me. This was new. I had never taken him with me in my nightmare before.

“My name’s Leo, are you okay?” He pressed his hand to my eyebrow and I winced. I guess I had a cut there. He pulled his finger away I saw blood, my fears were confirmed.

“No, not really. I’m not okay.” I felt a tear roll down my cheek. He looked stricken at my tear and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his solid chest. I cried. And I cried hard. He was there for me. It felt so good to have someone there, someone who wanted me.

But it ended too soon. The front door banged open as Diaz stepped through with his goons. I screamed as he grabbed me out of Leo’s arms. I tried to fight but I felt my breath quicken and a panic attack take me. Leo fought to get to me but I was being dragged to a van.

I woke up screaming and crying. I looked over to see that Cassie had left and her Olaf stuffed toy was in her place. I wiped the tears off my face and fought to regain my breath. This always happens. I sighed and rolled out of my bed into the shower. I needed get rid of the tears. It was only three so I should have more hot water then normal.

As I got out I clicked onto my website and saw that I had all of my users on so I decided to do some DJ-ing early. I pulled on my headset and clicked on Not Alone by Red, one of my favorite songs.

“Hey everyone!” I surprised everyone. “So its a little early but I thought that my fifty thousand users could use me DJ-ing. Alright so I thought today would be good to do a little Skillet! How about Monster? Good!”

I hit pressed that and looked at the comments they were leaving me. Well until I got a PM. It was from a user named Leo17. I smiled remembering him.

Leo17 :How does it feel to be a DJ? BTW my name’s Leo Braxton. I forgot to tell you that yesterday

DJ Ara: it’s amazing! I love to be able to DJ and its amazing to be heard and not be a shy nobody.

Leo17 : Yeah I bet. Where do you go to school at? Or are you in school?

DJ Ara: sorry my identity has to be hidden, and yes I am in school.

Leo17 : okay well it was worth a shot.

DJ Ara : haha yeah. Why do ya ask? Other then to find out who I am

Leo17 : we moved to Kentucky yesterday. I was wondering to see what school you go to. Maybe we’ll see each other

DJ Ara : I doubt that but hey, you never know.

I logged off at that and pulled on my running shorts and packed my books and cloths in my book bag. I smiled as I put on my glasses. I picked up Olaf and my headphones and raced down the steps, into Cassie’s room threw Olaf and a quick kiss at her, then out the door.


DJ Ara : I doubt that but hey, you never know.

I clicked off as soon as she said that. I loved her music but she never told anyone who she is. I wish I could meet her but finding her would be hard. No wait impossible.

I sighed and pulled on my hoddie and my headphones. I loved the fact that she made a six hour loop for the songs, I’ve noticed that she has Titanium, on all the time. Oh and never alone by Barlowgirl. She has a lot of songs from different genres.

I slipped into a pair of sport shorts and put my new books into my backpack and took off to my new school. And hopefully to meet DJ Ara. We lived only three minutes away from school, which was both nice and not so nice. Dad got a job here as a police officer and this was about the only apartment there was. So, naturally we took it instead of our old house.

We had one when we lived with mom. She died when I was eleven. I had a twin also but when they broke apart we broke apart. I missed her. And dad said she was adopted before he could take her back and now she was in California. Lucky her. Well no not lucky. I wish she was here with us.

I ran by the field to see the soccer team practicing. I loved soccer but I wouldn’t be able to play this year, as they already had their tryouts but I was able to use the track. I dropped my bag off at the washroom and set out at a jog on the track. A girl was already there so I caught up with her and tapped her on the shoulder.

“I swear, Diaz. If you talk to me again I will kick you in a place that will make you scream.” She threatened. I raised and eyebrow at her but smiled. She knows how to take care of herself.

“Well its a good thing I’m not this Diaz dude. Names Leo, Leo Braxton.” I said. She almost tripped if I hadn’t caught her. She turned to look at me with her eyes wide.

“You, you’re Leo Braxton? Um hi, oh I, I’m gonna go. Yeah, bye!”

And she took off. Man that girl can run. I watched her run for a minute til I decided that I needed to know more about her. So I ran after her, but she cleared the girls washroom before I could get her. I frowned and headed to the men’s washroom and changed. Maybe I’ll see her during class.


Leo Braxton? That was him? He was the same guy in my dreams! I’ve never met him before, then I dream about him, then I meet him online, now, now he goes to my school. I shiver and put on my headphones turning on my own webshow. His eyes. I know those green eyes. They look like mine.

I pulled open the door and walked to the office. I had to talk to the secretary to see about a job opening for the school banner, but as I pulled open the door I found Leo in there. I quickly walked away but I wasn’t fast enough.

“Ah, Miss Garcia, can you show Mr Braxton around? He has the same classes as you.” I sighed and nodded. She would make anyone do it.

“I actually wanted to see if I could do the school banner? For the dance? I was gonna do it for art if no one else was doing it.”

She nodded and shooed us out of her office to the halls. It was empty as it was only six. I looked at him once before putting my headphones on and turned my music up.

“What are you listening to?” He asked I sighed and tugged them off again.

“I’m listening to a web cast by DJ Ara, she has a lot of the same songs I like.”

“Has she told you she’s taken?”

I turned around and glared at Diaz. He just smiled at me and walked towards me with his goons. He walked right up to Leo and poked him in the chest hard. I saw that Leo was a head taller then Diaz and looked quit amused.

“Listen here, she’s mine and don’t get any thoughts.”

“Actually,” I said with a smile as I gabbed Leo’s arm and tugged him after me. “We aren’t together and never will be. Bye!”

I walked away dragging Leo with me. I could feel Diaz glaring daggers into my back but hey, it was worth it. Plus I mean Leo was hot. He had a six pack that I saw when we were running and his eyes, green just like emeralds.

“Sorry about that but he has been after me for awhile now and I didn’t know what to do and I probably made your like about as bad as it can get-”

“Hey, its okay. I’m fine with it and he was acting like a jerk anyways.” He looked behind him and pulled me to a stop. “He likes you?”

I nodded as he shakes his head. I continued to pull him until other students came in. I still got my loner version to uphold. But he took my hand in his. After looking at that I smiled at him and he smiled at me. He was actually a really nice guy. I threaded my hand through his and pulled him to the first class room. But it was short lived. As soon as the girls saw him they crowded around him like bees. I was pulled away from him as I soon as they came. I shook my head and put my headphones on. That was going to be the last I saw of him


I was pushed into a corner as the girls pressed around me. I tried to hold onto Ara’s hand but it slipped. I guess this is how they treat new students. I pushed through the crowd til I was finally in the classroom but when I looked around, Ara was nowhere to be found.

I dug through my pockets to find my earbuds and my phone. If I’m going to was going to sit through English then I would have my music playing. And not just any music, DJ Ara’s. She had the best mix tracks I’ve listened to. While she plays most of the newer songs, she mixes in some Christian and alternative music in and it seems like everyone likes them. I have to say that my favorite song she plays is either Hero by Skillet, Monster by Skillet, or Name by Fireflight. And she plays them a lot. Well she plays a lot of songs so they don’t repeat but she usually adds them in all of her tracks.

I looked at the teacher before zoning out and being lost in the music. English was an easy subject and I was an all A student in my last school so I could handle this school. I looked back and saw Ara sitting right behind me with her head phones on and taking notes. She looked zoned out. So I decided to help her. I wrote her a simple note.

Leo: DJ Ara is awesome! You like her?

Ara: how do you know Ara’s not a boy? Ara is both a girl and guys name.

Leo: did I do something to you?

Ara: Nope!

Leo: you sure? You sound angry?

Ara: how do you know? I didn’t realize that notes have voices. I thought that was only howlers?

Leo: I have found my true love!

Ara: let me guess, Harry Potter fan? Oh and your Gryffindor right?

Leo: you know it! How about you? Are you Slytherin?

Ara: I am offended that you said that! Although my favorite character came from Slytherin. But no, I’m more of a Ravenclaw

Leo: You like Draco????

Ara: No! I like Snape! He’s the best character in the series

Leo: And my true love has come at last!

Ara: don’t flatter yourself, pretty boy.

Leo: You don’t watch Disney? The boy always gets the girl.

Ara: if this is Disney then I am Mulan, I take care of myself.

I didn’t answer to her after that. The teacher was looking our way and I didn’t want me and her to get in trouble. I turned up the music and worked through English as fast as I could. English is both boring and not my favorite subject.

I noticed that Ara was doing good though. She seemed like she knew how to do everything. I envied her. She was a speed runner, an English major, and who knows what else. Lucky her. But as soon as the bell rang Ara was out of there. I was again amazed by her speed, then I remembered, she still has to show me around. I picked up my books slowly and watched her walk back in with a glare.

“I so wish I didn’t have to show you around.”

“Well thanks!” Too bad, you’re stuck with me! Haha!

“You may enjoy is but I don’t. I’m more of a girl that likes to blend in with the crowd without having other girls glare at me cause they like you.”

I only smiled and handed her my schedule. She groaned again and then lead the way to art. We had to walk up two flights of stairs and then take a left turn at biology til finally we reaches art. I would have gotten lost had Ara not been there. She then left my side as we reached the door. She pulled her headphones off and walked to the teacher, Miss Carmel. She handed her sketch book to her and I saw a glimpse of a white wolf the looked life-like.

“This is by far your best piece yet. Its very life-like, very nice.”

Ara nodded, keeping her sketch book out and dragged me over to an empty desk. It only had two seats which she dropped in and patted for me to do the same. I smiled and copied her, dropping into the seat. She had her sketch book out but was looking at her phone so, me being curious, picked it up and began to flip through.

“Hey! Give that back,Braxton!” She tried to take it back but she couldn’t reach it, thanks to my long arms. I ignored her and began looking at the sketchs. Must were just random sketches that all girls do, hearts, stick figures, but then in between those were sketches of real beauty. She had actors and actresses looking life-like, and the animals she drew, they looked amazing.

“Seriously dude, give it back!”

“Ara, these sketches, they’re-”

I cutoff as I flipped the page. I noticed that Ara had stopped trying to get the book back. She was looking away, as if ashamed. It was a woman lying in a casket surrounded by roses. It was both beautiful and haunting.


“It doesn’t matter.” She reached over and grabbed the book before I could do anything. She seemed closed off now. I mentally slapped myself for being so incredibly stupid. She obviously didn’t want me to look at it and then I crossed the line. Why am I so stupid sometimes? Just why? I mean can’t I just have the ability to shut up sometimes? I looked up to see Diaz walk in and hand the teacher a binder. She looked at it once and waved him off. But as I heard Ara suck in a breathe. Diaz was walking towards us.

“Hi Ara. You like my sketch? You taught me all I know. And I’m kinda glad, I wouldn’t be as good a artist.” He then showed us a simple sketch of a dog. It was simple but it had its elegance. I was nice.

“I-its good, Diaz.” She slapped a hand over her mouth. “D-did I just say that out loud? Oops.” I laughed at that. Diaz glared at me but flashed a smile towards Ara. I couldn’t help but notice that it looked fake.

“You try and deny me but it won’t work, Ara. I can make you fall in love with me.” He then walked away. I looked over at Ara to see her shacking her head.

“I swear he’s bipolar! I mean on minute he’s all nice and the second he’s all mean and in my face. And now he’s trying to woo me? He’s such a-”

“Miss Garcia, if you finish that I will give you detention for the rest of the year.” Miss Carmel was but in front if us. I noticed the scowl on her face was directed not at Ara but at Diaz.

“All I was going to say was weird person.” Man she is good.

“Mhm, I’m watching you.” She then walked over to me. Why is she so intimidating? “Mr Braxton, I hope you are not teaming up with Miss Garcia to get a good grade. You will be doing your own part to this.”

I looked over at Ara. “We’re teaming up?”

She nodded and gived me a look.

“Uh yeah I’ll do my part in this assignment that I have no idea that we were doing.”

Miss Carmel nodded and walked away. I looked over at Ara to see her already drawing on the canvas. It looked like some sort of outdoor picture. It had a water fall and a river that had a boat on it, and in some ways it looked like Italy. It was exquisite.

“Okay so would you be able to paint this? I can help with the basic colors but painting isn’t my medium.”

“Yeah, sure.”

She gave me a smile as the bell rang. She leap up and raced to the door. I saw that a book fell out of her backpack so I picked it up and stuffed it into mine. I was going to give I to her, honestly. But she was already at the door and when I looked for her, she disappeared on me. I sighed and went with the crowd to the lunch room, turning on DJ Ara on. Her voice startled me. I knew that voice but I couldn’t place it.

“Yo wazzup? Alright so its lunch here at my school, and after a boring day of school nothings better then reading to y’alls comments! Okay so I got a song that I think most of you probably don’t know, and its called Hold me now by Red and this is the first time I’ve played it so enjoy!”

She pressed play and I heard the song that was a new for me. I fell in love with it as soon as the words said hold me now. I noticed that Ara wasn’t in the cafe so I walked outside with my food and sure enough, there she was with an apple and a head set. She was watching her screen and I noticed that she wasnt looking around. And, me being a prankster, began to sneak up behind her. But I stopped as her voice flooded my earbuds.

“Y’all like? Tell me! So now unto a callout, Bulletproof by La Roux!”

I watched as Ara hit a button on her laptop and the song flood my headphones. She was DJ Ara. That’s why she said that I couldn’t make assumptions on who it was because she was protecting her skin. She was too zoned in on her website to see me walk behind her and look at her screen.

I was watching her as she began to do some tuning. This was where she did all of her work. It was off of a simple laptop and not an actual turntable like I had pictured her doing. I looked down at my phone and saw multiple requests from boys trying to find out who she is. And I could tell them. I knew who she was now.

“Okay so I just got an invite to homecoming by a user in VA and I want to make it clear I am Not going to accept any invites, I am a loner and that’s how it will stay. Now enjoy some Core Of My Addiction by Fireflight!”

I dropped onto the grass behind her but didn’t announce my arrival. She didn’t notice either. I listened to the song til it was almost done. I then tapped her shoulder. She jumped sky high and when she turned to me I could see the smoke coming from her ears. She looked mad.

“What the hockey stick, Braxton? You don’t sneak up behind a girl like that!” My prediction was true. She was mad.

“I was only gonna ask if I could sit with you. I mean you were all by yourself miss DJ Ara.” I expected her to look guilty or something but she didn’t do anything. She simply looked at me.

“You think that I am DJ Ara? Wow, you really don’t know me.” After a glare she then stood and walked away. But she wasnt getting away anytime soon. I mean you don’t walk away from me! Well must people don’t. I guess my charm doesn’t work on a beauty.

“Wait! Ara! Please, hold up!” I ran after her and since she was only a few yards away it was a short run. But she stopped and turned around. Which I was grateful for.

“Look I know you want to be all loner like but I have a question for you.” She simply looked at me and nodded. I took that a reason to go on. “Would you go to the masquerade ball with me?”

✧Sumer✧ said 9 years, 3 months ago:

I didn’t read the whole thing, as I do not have the patience for that, but here’s what I thought about the first paragraph or so:

1: Take off the “First off” at the beginning of your story. “My name is Arianna, but I go by Ara most of the time” seems to have a lot better flow. (or something of that nature)

2: You have a lot of run on sentences. Also, your punctuation seems to be kinda bad. Sentence structure is important and you seem to be lacking that.

3: cut down on the word ‘and’, commas are your best friend!

Sorry if this seems to blunt, just my opinion. I grade English papers of the upper classmen constantly with my English teacher. She’s taught me a lot!

Message me if you have any other questions, would like me to read the whole thing, or need some tips or opinions!

Deleted User said 9 years, 3 months ago:

The entire time I’m like, that’s ur brother, that’s ur brother, THAT’S YOUR MOTHER FUCKING BROTHER!!! I was so captivated, is there an ending? I have to finish it!!