V said 10 years, 7 months ago:

Hi, I’d like to know what kinds of artists are out there. Even if you’re just an artist in your free time or as a hobby.
What do you struggle with as an artist? Do you have any advice for other aspiring artists?

I am a pianist, I’ve been studying for 20 years and I love to play the piano. Recently I’ve struggled with the idea of performance. It seems very selfish. All the self promotion, the schmoozing, I just can’t get behind it. I think I’m better suited to use music in my life for my own purposes, and so far I’ve been happy this way.

How about you?

Brigid said 10 years, 7 months ago:

The only thing in art I can actually do is calligraphy. The rest I totally suck at. But calligraphy is just awesome.

prorecluse said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I am like a random artist. I take up random creative outlets and they usually fall away and come back into my life at random. I do sketching, painting, pyrography, writing(if you count that as artistic).. The one that has stuck most permanently without gaps in my participation is photography. I’ve been doing photography and photo illustration/manipulation for about 18 years.

Meera said 10 years, 4 months ago:

BOOK COVERS! On the computer! And I take my own pictures for them! :D I can sort-of draw using paper/pencil…

NicNac said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I’ve done everything from oil, acrylic, and watercolor paintings; charcoal, and pastels, graphite, and even digital media such as advertising designs, and photography. I guess I’m pretty well rounded when it comes to using different media. I’d like to learn about doing more 3D and sculptural work though!

Kristine said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I do sketches of people and animals, mostly horses or birds, I also do photography of nature. I play the oboe, piano, hand bells, and hand chimes

Deleted User said 9 years, 9 months ago:

I play the double bass and am in a few youth orchestras and play with a few local adult orchestras as well. I like sketching as well, although I find it takes up quite a lot of time. I’ve been trying to improve that.

NotSafeForTwerk said 9 years, 9 months ago:

I draw, mostly fantasy and monsters. I struggle with drawing people, notably eyes and hair.

Bluie said 9 years, 8 months ago:

I am mostly involved with the musical side of art. I enjoy singing A LOT and am in all of the choirs available at my school. I also play clarinet, and I’m dying to learn piano and guitar. Now I’m getting a bit excited because I’ll have random lyrics pop into my head…that are mine. I’ve never forced myself to write a song, but then again, I’ve never written a whole song before. If I do something like drawing, it’s usually doodling. I enjoy writing on my hands with Sharpie, which I know is bad but…I also love to draw parts of the body such as eyes…I’ve never finished a whole human face before, though I have attempted it…I love acrylic paint as well.

Woah…this was long…sorry!