Mislead said 10 years, 1 month ago:

When I’ve done something wrong towards someone – My pride gets in the way. Coming from a strong European background Pride is pretty much in my blood. I have not yet developed enough willpower to overcome this. But in saying that, i manage to convince my mind that it’s what needs to be done. And so I humble myself and face my fears. I must admit, alot of the times i only say it to make peace (which is another thing I need to work on). It comes from the mouth, not the heart..

Korol Piratov said 10 years, 1 month ago:

The fact that people dont believe me when i say sorry, when i do, i guess it just doesnt sound like i do

Deleted User said 10 years, 1 month ago:

Either my pride like Mislead mentioned, my anger, or my sadness. In order for me to say sorry, I have to make peace within myself and literally let it go, no matter how painful it is. Then I can go on and apologize.

Deleted User said 10 years, 1 month ago:

Even if I am a pure European and I know that I should say “sorry”, I definitely dislike to be sorry. I consider it for cowards. As my lovely friends @Mislead and @KoolThing said, it’s a matter of pride. But for me, it’s not really a matter of pride. It’s just that we all are some Human beings and it can’t really help! We all do some mistakes so why should we be sorry all the time? Is that what we call “arrogance” to think like that or is it just to be neutral?

daniela said 10 years, 1 month ago:

In my case, let me see if I can explain this so it makes sense, I guess… I avoid apologizing because I know I’ve done something wrong and I don’t want to deal with accusations and disappointment from the other person. It’s like I don’t want to be confronted with my mistakes… Sometimes it goes as far as me avoiding the person entirely for a long time, hoping that they will let the issue go at some point in time. Which is a VERY bad personality trait and I have no idea how to overcome that. It definitely has cost me a lot of friends and potential relationships, too. :/