Michael18 said 9 years, 11 months ago:

Hey, i know what i did, i know, believe me im doing my best to control myself, i hate how my problem affect my life, i admit i have a problem but well, who doesnt? Things like THIS that happened between us is what is meant to teach us, right? Well, even when you didnt really gave me much advices, you ARE teaching me already how to improve myself, also with THAT thing i did, i felt bad about it afterwards, and well, i was googling how to fix my problem. I told you, i want to improve myself and my problems.

About my side of the story, it wasnt my intention to assault you with my problems, i have been feeling really shitty like 4 days in a row (yeah, still deeply depressed), really, and i knew you were with your friends, but i saw that article i linked in our conversation and it triggered me and also got me thinking, after i did that thing i did, i was feeling really awful, i try my best to control myself, when i saw what ive done and i felt really bad, and decided to apologize with you with that message, and also HEY, i AM interested in knowing what you did to improve your life after your problems you told me about, its just that i didnt had the chance to ask you that specifically, so yeah, could we be friends again? ONE more chance please?

I ask you for JUST one more chance please, i swear i will try this better this time, please?… JUST one more chance, please? I really feel bad about THAT, and tomorrow they will “celebrate” my birthday, and well, i dont want this on my conscience. Ill let you cool off, please let me know if you give me one last chance, thank you.

(sorry for saying “THIS”, but this is between you and me and dont want eavesdroppers).