Happy Day said 9 years, 9 months ago:

I’m a very stubborn person, and for the longest time I never wanted to take medication due to a past bad experience with the medication I used to take. (Don’t remember the name.) It would make me have fits of rage and get worked up, and i’d strain my legs, kicking them. Thankfully, I’m off of that now. For about a year or two after that, I’ve hated any kind of medication. Honestly it makes me angry and a little frightened to think about taking medication. Currently, I’m taking a new medication that, at first, made some positive changes. But now I take it on and off, and it confuses my body. I don’t really want to take it any more but I’m supposed to. I’ve voiced that it hasn’t been helping but it seems no one listens to me and just tells me to take it anyway. It’s a bit frustrating. Anyway, thanks for reading to my quick vent session.

Momo/Kattie said 9 years, 5 months ago:

They shouldn’t be telling you to take it anyway if it’s not helping you. That’s a waste of time and money when someone can just change your medication to something else that actually works. Id on’t know if you did this when you were talking to them but if you can say something specific on how the medication is not working like you’re not able to concentrate or focus on things even though you should on the medication or the like. I hope things work out well with the medication problems you’re having.

Trunksword said 9 years, 1 month ago:

I was on medication for this from ~ 3rd grade all the way up until high school. I don’t remember when I stopped taking it but I just woke up one day and noticed that whenever I take the medication I was no longer myself. My personality was very outgoing and hyper and yes, I did have problems focusing on one thing. But when I took the medicine my friends even started to notice after awhile that I was a zombie. I had little to no emotion, wasn’t happy or sad, just did what was asked of me and went home to repeat it the next day.

I finally decided that my parents should stop having to fork over the money for the medication and allow me to be…. me. There was a slight argument but they did finally honor my wishes. I struggled with school off of the meds as much or more as I did while on the meds, but I was finally happy I was allowed to be myself.

Still to THIS day (I’m 27) I have issues with concentrating on something that I willingly or not deem boring or not necessary. Trying to get me to focus on a subject or a book that I simply don’t want to read is near impossible. And when I AM doing something I want to be doing I get severe tunnel vision.

It’s a constant battle for me to remain focused at work and try to occupy myself with only things that I can stop doing at any instant to do my job.

Basically I suggest talking to the doctor/therapist that’s subscribing this and expressing that you don’t want to take it and why. It might also be a good idea to discuss this issue with your parents. Mine were definitely more understanding than I thought they’d be, despite having a TON of more issues trying to get me to care about school/grades/homework and such.

Just remember it’s likely something you will always struggle with. My dad called me several times while at work saying “I’m doing it again, I have successfully managed to distract myself from doing work several times today”
One of the ways to help correct this issue, is to notice you are doing it and trying to get on track.
My personal favorite way of helping to deal with it is to try as hard as you can to find something about the task you need to do that interests you, and try to focus on that.

Sorry this is a tad scatter brained but I hope it helps