CGK said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Hey guys, how is it going? What have you been up to lately?

I am just trying to get all of your attention… I mean we are all apart of this group because we all felt like this place didn’t have enough people our age, and here we are… and we are not talking. Lets start some topics here that we can all participate in, yea?

Even though this has nothing to do with the title, does anyone own any pets?

I have a cat. She is 13 years old, and she is an almost pure black cat. Almost because she has a little white dot on her chest. She is my baby, and I love her like I would love a child. And the only reason why I am writing about her is because she is currently sitting on my arms, which are now pinned to the laptop and the only thing I can do at the moment is type. I love her so much, I kinda don’t want to move her since she looks pretty comfy. But I know I will because I need to get up at some point, right? I swear I am 32, but I would like to think in some things, I will be forever young.

Talk to you guys soon!

CJ said 10 years, 2 months ago:


Yeah I had a dog but had to give it up because the place I use to live didn’t allow dogs. My mom said she could take her in so she’s been living with my mom for about 8 years. I actually got the dog from a local dive bar I use to go to. Some random person was there saying they would have to bring it to the shelter because they couldn’t care for it. The dog was only a puppy then and after seeing it I just had to take it so it wouldn’t have to go to the shelter. I ended up naming it Soco after the drink southern comfort since I got her at a bar. She’s a happy dog now living with her, albeit she does need to go on a diet. She’s getting rather big with all the treats.

Deleted User said 9 years, 8 months ago:

Hello there! I don’t own any pets. But there is an old lady who lives with us who has 2 dogs. I like them but I don’t hang out with them much. They have lots of hair and I’m asthmatic. I pet them at times though, they are really adorable and they are not loud dogs. They like to ask me for food but now the other one is bald because she is allergic to something and the doctor recommended that she goes bald. I feel for her. She looks so much different. I hope she will get better soon.