Young Marriage


My boyfriend and I are both 17, and have been dating for a year. We’re pretty crazy about each other and have been through a lot, and recently, he told me that he’s going into the military when he turns 19 and wants me to live on base with him as his wife. I know that I want to marry him someday, but could that cause a lot of issues and eventually divorce?

Category: asked April 26, 2013

2 Answers

50% of marriages end in divorce. Half. But, if you're going about marriage in the right way and that you are willing to compromise and willing to work on things it's likely that you can be the half that survive. It all depends on you. Remember in the 1980's even people were still getting married in their early 20's. It's not unheard of for marriages that young to work. But you have to be willing to change and grow together and work on problems. I'd suggest moving in together before you get married. I know it's taboo for some people but it really does give you a better understanding of who you're thinking of marrying.
You have about two years to decide this. Wait before you're absolutely sure what you want. It's a good thing he gave you time to think. This way you can get used to the idea and find out what you want. Time will tell. I agree with Swifting: do move in together to find out. If you can't move in together, try being together every day for at least a week (on a holiday for example). Above all: think carefully about these huge steps, but in the end do what you feel is right. Good luck!