What does it mean when my friends only come to me when they’re lonely?


I’d like to think that they come to me because they know that they can depend on me, but is there something that I’m missing here? Should I be kind of angry about this?

Category: Tags: asked December 2, 2013

4 Answers

either that youre a tool or youre a good friend. get some better friends!
They only come to you when they need comfort they're basically using you to feel better about themselves you need some new friends
you gotta try to assess them by asking if they have done anything for you. This is my current problem. I tend to be a pleaser. And users tend to get attracted with people who are more selfless than selfish. It's best to set a boundary.A true friend cares for you. Sure they'd need your time but the true ones will constantly and genuinely take care of you. You don't need a lot of friends. You just need some few good ones :)
Friends would want to be around you through happy and sad times, not just sad ones. If they're going through a really tough time and you want to help, you should, but also consider meeting new people, and finding other friends who reciprocate more. And make sure you aren't doing the same to anyone, as that will create an expectation and allowance for them.