What are ways of dealing with Aspergers in high school?


I was diagnosed with Aspergers 7 years ago. I have a hard time dealing with the whole dynamic of high school. The clubs and groups and cliques just confuse and frustrate me! Does anyone have tips about how to deal with Aspergers in high school? Anything would help.

Category: Tags: asked July 2, 2014

5 Answers

I have NVLD which is very similar to Aspergers but with slight differences. Through high school I've largely avoided bogging myself down with social obligations. I have one small group of friends who I sort of stick with and I've been in and out of clubs from time to time but I've mostly avoided them as they tend to overwhelm me. I have to continually tell myself that I have limitations and it is okay to not do it all. I pick a few things that I really enjoy and find people who respect me and my limits and don't pressure me into biting off more than I can chew. My main issue in school is sensory overload, which I mainly deal with with a good pair of noise cancelling headphones and learning to manoeuvre through the halls so people don't touch me. The lights are harder to deal with but I've gone as far as to wear sunglasses indoors at times. My school, thankfully, is very lax about kids listening to music in class and since I largely listen when teachers talk and continue to do well most of the time teachers don't object to me keeping my headphones on as long as I'm not visibly tuning out when they're talking. Don't feel like you have to be everywhere and do everything. :) Find a 'niche' where you can stay with people who share your interests and respect your limitations and if its comfortable, stick with it! It can definitely be confusing and frustrating to figure out the social intricacies. Best of luck!
Hi i have asbergers and I just Finished high school. Although my aspergers is mild, the first few years of high school for me were extremely difficult. However i met my group of friends, and we are essentially the misfits of the school. we are all really differant but have a lot in common. I would also suggest you talk to your school counsillor or SenCo. Your school most likely has a supprt system to help you through these years, especially with things like exams and bullying. So yeah, my advice would be; don't try to fit in. Instead try looking for friends who except you and love you anyway, this will stop some of the negativity from getting to you. also, no one does you as well as you do ;) and try and get support from your school as it will make everything a lot easier. feel free to skype me (jodie.read3) or kik me (depressedpanther) if you would like to talk :)
Try to ignore the problem and try to stay in your come area
Find somebody who can be your best friend and/or learn to be strong on your own. I know it's probably going to be very hard but just try to look for someone with similar interests, someone who won't judge you just because you have aspergers. When I was 5 I moved from a city to a rural area, and by chance my neighbour was a boy of my age who had aspergers. For nearly 10 years we grew up together as best friends. We shared interests, we both loved video games, fantasy litterature and history. Unfortunately toward the later years I found myself growing up quicker than him and 3 years ago we both went separate ways in life. He's pretty much the same guy as he always was, but I've changed immensly compared to him. He doesn't really have a close friend anymore, and I honestly feel bad for him, but I can't really help him.
I'm giggleblizzard on kik if you wanna talk to me too btw, good luck!