should i talk to a guy whos repeatedly plays me?


he keeps playing me but i really like him

Category: asked December 24, 2013

8 Answers

Definitely not. I can sum up my opinion in a few simple words: why would you allow yourself to be played by a dude that you like? You'll like plenty of dudes who will like you back and won't play you, so why settle for less than your worth?
No. Anyone that plays you does not believe your feelings are important nor respects you. Therefore, that person should not be important to you. A real friend would not do that, let alone someone you are interested in romantically. Only talk to those worth your time - people who care about your well-being and best interest and make you truly happy.
The answer to this question should be self evident to you. Why would you want to be with ANYONE that plays you? About half of marriages in America end up in divorce, and I guarantee you, some of the people involved were definitely getting "played". Whoever this is that you're talking about, he isn't serious about a real relationship, he isn't serious about you, and you've let it go on way longer that it should when you say it happens repeatedly. Don't be a girl in a relationship that is constantly victimized by some asshole that leads you on to believe he cares about you, but he really doesn't.
DEFIANTLY NOT! any guy who does that doesnt like you so no stop liking him
NO you should never be with anyone who doesn't respect your feelings
You shouldn't stay with him if he keeps playing you because in the end, he gets what he wants and you're left upset. He keeps convincing you that he loves you and then takes what he came for. Is it possible that the reason why you're staying with him is because you're afraid of being alone? If so you need to get him out of your life, and then take some time for yourself. Do things that you enjoy and once you're comfortable being single, find another guy. I'm sure you're a very nice person and you don't deserve to be played over and over again, but you're the only one who can put an end to this because he won't.
If you have to question it, you definitely shouldn't do it. I've been in a relationship like that and let me tell you, you're the only one who's hurt in the end. I know it sucks that you really like him a lot but in the long run it's better if you didn't try and continue it. When you meet someone who really respects you you'll look back and realize you're waaay better off without him.
If he's not putting the effort forth to move the relationship forward, he's probably just not that into you. And if he's still text you and ask to hang out every once in a while?? DOESN'T MATTER. You’re just something to do until someone better comes along. If that’s the case, be smart enough to walk away. Life’s too short for douche canoes who mess with your head.