My reality and fantasy are merging


I often have nightmares that feel so real that I act upon them when I wake up. Example: I had a dream that my father had died in an accident. When I woke up I was grieving for him for about 2 hours until it started to dawn on me that it wasn’t real. I called him and realized he was fine.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, when I get into situations that are unfamiliar, I act in a way that would be expected in a dream. Example: I wasted a large sum on money buying some useless and embarrassing items from a shop that I won’t go into detail. I can link this vaguely to a dream I had about a week before this incident.
I am worried because I have never met anyone who has had this problem before and it could get me killed. I ride a motorbike and if I get one of these situations on the road it could be dangerous. I also feel I am becoming disconnected from important emotions since I have become used to feeling them, like grief. Anyone have any similar experiences that might be of guidance for me?

Category: asked February 22, 2014

2 Answers

I think you're experiencing what is known as a nocturnal panic attack. A nocturnal panic attack at night is when you often wake up & barely comprehensible that something horrible had happened. It's very possible that these attacks can do so much as to controlling your life. You can check out this website to learn more about this & how to control it, so that it won't get any worse. I hope this helped! You can also look more into night terrors, because it also can range up to all ages, not just children.
I've had similar experiences with the dreaming thing.. I don't have money, so I'd never done that before. But I do remember constantly waking up and realizing that something I dream about[[I can't even remember if it was a dream or not at the time]]seemed so real. I dreamed about my Dad dying once, so I got up and ran to his room and he wasn't in the bed, so I got really scared and just started crying like crazy!! My Mum asked me what was wrong, and I told her that I just realized Dad was dead, and then she called him at work, and he was fine.. I also remember ending up places I don't even know, just because it felt right, even though it was a dream. Like, I would walk down the street and turn lots of corners cause it brought me somewhere in my dream once, and I feel like it'll be the same thing because it's like a "de Ja vu" kinda feeling when I'm walking along it, and sometimes no matter what I do to stop, I just keep following it. It's almost as if my body is moving on it's own..Ehh, this probably isn't helpful, sorry.. ^^;