Is this common?


I have been trying to work out if I am suffering from depression, and wondered if anybody else can identify with how I feel.
I am nearly always unhappy – moments of happiness are mild and brief, and at best I am just ‘ok’. When I think back over my life I have never really been a happy person. It’s nobody’s fault – I had a good upbringing and have had much good fortune in my life -but it is normality for me to feel like this. I often feel lethargic and can’t be bothered. When I mention these feelings to family I never get much sympathy or understanding and my relationship becomes strained as I am perceived as miserable, etc, by my partner. I have considered going to the doctor about this. I am not suicidal or anything, I can cope in a fashion, but I just want to start feeling more positive about things. I don’t know whether anti-depressants are a good idea. Any suggestions on what I should do?

Category: asked April 6, 2013

2 Answers

I think you should see a doctor. Apart from depression, it could also be something like a wonky bloodsugar balance or anything else.Maybe they can find out what's going on and they can help you!I know this advice is short, but I really think you just should get some professional help :)
Loss of energy and motivation, persisten depressed mood and lack of stressors that might cause it. I would heartily recommend looking into real diagnosis.