I don’t feel happy and contented right now


It really bothers me right now that I don’t feel happy of what I am doing, what I have (physically), the course that i am taking right now. I feel like a loser right now because I feel like I haven’t accomplished anything good lately, and I feel like I should do something about it. I feel jealous of my 2 best friends right now, because they are doing good in school, but they haven’t messaged me on how I am doing in my life. I feel like a threat to them because I feel like I might ruin their image or reputation in life because their successful and im not. But I have to tell you that I am well-supported by my mom (not to be a total brag) She has been supporting me financially but not morally because sometimes when I ask something emotional, she just nags about it and I never really feel any better. But she is a good mother because she humbly supports us all in the family. But I still really feel unhappy of my life because of the failures I committed through out my life especially in my academics. I’m might say that I am not as bright and as studious as the rest but I can achieve my studies too, but when I get too emotional, I usually get so negative and forget the important thing I need to do. I am currently a total loner, I don’t have that much friends, but I want to have more friends, but Im really shy and I kinda have a social issues when it comes to socializing. Bottom line, I don’t really know myself. I want to succeed in life, I want to overcome these problems, I want to feel like I’ve done something that makes my friends and family proud of me. I want to be somebody.

Category: asked April 9, 2014

2 Answers

I think a lot of people have gone through something like this, for me it was really similar to what you're describing. Last year I was incredibly jealous of my best mate because her academics were shining so brilliantly and my grades were just going downhill. It made me frustrated and angry and actually worsened my grades even more because I was so stressed out about it. This year I started to look at it differently, I changed my subjects because I was unhappy with my course and I stopped comparing myself to others and it has helped me so much. Also not everyone is good at academics, the schooling system tends to forget about the people that are better at other things like sport, art or music and so maybe academics just isn't your strong spot. You need to focus on yourself, your emotions, your likes everything and stop comparing yourself to your friends. Not only will you feel more content with where you are academically but your relationship with your friends will brighten. Hope I helped xx
Don't worry so much about pleasing others or making them proud. What could you do that would fulfill you and make YOU proud? I know you said you don't really know yourself so it makes sense why you would have the desire to measure yourself based on how others view you. However, that will NEVER make YOU happy - even if you were to achieve something that did make them proud. The feeling would only be temporary because you're not being true to yourself. You don't feel emotionally supported as you said. That is a big deal. And that is a very real human need. Our achievements do not define our worth. It's easy to get that impression when someone like our mom kind of leads with that example I suppose. Not that those aren't good things to desire but....you're just going to wind up feeling like a shell of a person if there is no emotional connection made. I think you just really need to discover what it is you enjoy doing and really think about it. Just please know - you're NOT a loser. Maybe try to find a group or something where you can make new friends that you can really connect with and who really care about you.