How would you react?


So, this guy expressed his interest in me at a bar… .while you guessed it he was drunk. Now, dont get me wrong he’s very cute, I think he looks like paulie bleecker type but um anyway, he followed me around and started asking me questions to which I gave very vague answers to. Anyway,we ended up on a bench where he proceeded to go all edward cullen on me and started to go down my chest… (as in kissing, sucking?) anyway, we got into an argument later and he left and i didnt bother to go after him . now, i think i miss him and have grown attachedd….. i know not good for a 21 yr old female… please be as brutally honest as to what yu think I should do? knock some sense into my head becasue i might see him soon… Also, this is an open forum so dont go Oh why are you asking strangers like they care… if you dont want to comment on my case go away and let someone else try thanks…

Tags: asked June 4, 2013

2 Answers

It would depend on if we had had a good time together prior to the Cullening (yes, it's a verb now). If I didn't know him at all and was trying to get him away from me with my vague answers, and he still did this followed by arguments? Yea, I would be done with the whole situation until something was more clear about the situation. I wouldn't worry or panic about the next time you see him. Just see how he acts. Then see how you feel.
I doubt that you miss him, as you don't even know him, you only met him didn't you? I would suggest that all you are feeling is regret that you got into an argument and didn't finish doing what you guys were going to do. Go back to the bar and so many other guys will be there hitting on you, you won't even remember what this guy looked like by the time the nights over.