how to start all over again with life.


i actually don’t know where to start.but ill start this 24,single,jobless,lost my self-esteem,lost my self confidence and i cant seem to decide for myself now. im not this girl before. i may not be too far from this girl but im way better from a well off family and grew up having all i want until i met this guy.he changed me completely,he also taught me on how to contented and patient with things.he was my everything.but a tragic thing happened he died on our 39th month.i planned my life from the moment i knew he was the onr.i plannedmy entore future with him.after i finish college i will work and marry him (weve been engage for a year).when he died my life stopped.i still took the exam to be a nurse at first i didnt pass coz i never studied a single thing.then after a year i took the exam again and ive been cooped up in our house for a year.i literally dont see the mom pushes me to work.but it feels like i cant work.i want to go to medical school just as what i had planned before,but were broke now coz my dad made a bad investment.i dont know where to pick up the pieces.i also dont want to stay in the city im living now.people hates me here coz they think its my fault my bf died.i just want to start all over again away from people i know.away from all the familiar places.i just want to forget the past.i also have suicidal tendencies and as i agonized myself through decision making suicidal attempts passess my mind.just to end this suffering.

Category: Tags: asked February 22, 2014

2 Answers

While not the same, I know what it feels like to be single, (got out of a long distance relationship a few weeks ago. What an emotional yo-yo) to not have/lose your self-esteem, and self-confidence. All you can really do is trudge one and start anew like I am. Text hug (Strange I know haha.) I personally made a friend here after that, and I extend a hand in friendship to you if you ever need someone to talk to. While I tend to be a loner, it helped me a lot, and I think it could help you. At the very least I suggest going to the vent/listen chat and try to make a friend there.
i think you should move,make new friends and meet new people,start over step by step,don't waste your future thinking about the past,what is done is done ,you're still young and you have your whole life ahead of you,find a new job and save money for medical school and it will all work out in the end