How do you end a chat?


I have been a listener a few times now, and it’s been going pretty well. But towards the end, things gets awkward. Maybe they’re thanking me for listening and I’m wishing them good luck with whatever it is, and then maybe we send a few lines of small talk, and then we sit there in an awkward silence.
The conversation is quite obviously done, but I don’t feel that as a listener, I should be the one to disconnect. How am I supposed to end a chat without the risk of making someone feel like I ababdoned them? And preferably without having long silences at the end?

Category: Tags: asked June 18, 2014

7 Answers

I think you can take the bull by the horns and ask if they are done or want to talk more. For abandonment, remind yourself that they might be ready to immediately start a new chat with another listener to get another opinion/talk more.
I wait for the venter to end the discussion, usually asking if there's anything else they would like to talk about or anything, even just stupid stuff to keep their mind if things. I don't feel like we've done enough until they give me the go ahead. I haven't actually experienced any awkward talks or whatever, since we usually wrap them up rather quickly as soon as it dealt with, you kind of get the vibe from them when they feel like they've done what they came to do, gotten it out of their system and really just want to take a break from talking about it.
as a listener, i'm always first to end chat. once things are settled, no reason to make it awkward. let it go.
If the chat has ended on a good note end it with a whole bunch of emogies or emoticons (Whatever they are called). If it ended on a bad note, just leaving without saying anything is good or you could just say bye, no need to pretend to be happy if you aren't :)
Just be straightforward and ask them if there's anything else they wanna talk about. It won't offend them at all, in fact they'll be happy for the time you have shared with them.
As a listener I like to ask is there anything else I can help you with,or ..if you are ok now,then I wish you the best of luck...or perhaps im glad your feeling better now good bye or...I am glad I could help you today,all the best bye!
You just have to make sure the right thing is said that is suitable to what's going on.I am suprized the venter just doesnt say bye and go,as quite often ive had that to.Ive never been in silence Ill admit.
"Is there anything else on your mind?" is as polite a way as any. Keep up the good work.