How do i talk to people i can actually help


like I come on this site all the time and I always want to help people but I always get the same type of stuff that I really don’t how to help like with relationship problems like im good with bullying, self-harm, eating disorder but I never get people like that and im also really good with depression I help to boy one time and he’s really happy now but I need help

Tags: asked February 20, 2014

3 Answers

Just find yourself a few people who u fully trust to vent to and then with their support u can over come your challenges and beat them
I think that's one of the coolest things about the this website, the fact that you don't know who you will end up talking to is a mystery. Obviously you won't have all the knowledge needed to help people with their individual problems but as long as you do your best and they can see that you genuinely care I think that's all the matters.
If you feel you can't help someone, there are more listeners. There are almost more listeners than venters, so the venter will find someone else quickly. It is a better use of your time to connect to someone else (as hard as it can be to internalize). Explain that you are not the one to talk to about it, and connect to a new person. There are enough people who want to talk about your specialties that you won't have to cycle too many people before finding a suitable venter.