How do I come out about these two things?


Firstly, I recently discovered that I’m a pansexual. I’m not sure how i should open up about this to my family, especially my mother.
Secondly… I looked back on some elements of my life, and realized something… Ever since I can remember… I felt like i was trapped in the wrong body… meaning I felt like I was a boy in a girls body… I’m not sure what term this would be, but I’ve tried to supress it by being what everyone expects a girl to be… but im not happy… What is this term called… and how do i say this to my loved ones ?

Category: Tags: asked April 14, 2014

2 Answers

The term is called, "discovering yourself" in my opinion ofcourse. It's good to express something that you newly discovered for yourself, even though it has something to do with your sexuality. Theirs a lot of good things to know when you're a pansexual, one of which is loving or having a desire for all gender identities. But my suggestion would be that, don't open up yet this issue to everyone except maybe for the person in your life that you trust and vow secrecy. when you come to this situation that you had a sudden realization in your life regarding your sexuality, it's best to just keep it inside for a while and wait for the right moment to finally open this up to your family. Because sometimes we are not sure of what the decision of your family will be? Some members will be proud of you and accept you while others won't. So it's best to laylow for a while, try opening this issue to one of your closest friend, the one you feel most comfortable talking to. Hope this helps
You are transgender, FtM (female to male).