Hold on hope or let go? Typical teenager.


I dated this one guy in my freshman year. (let’s say he’s guy1) It lasted short because he was in a bad place with drugs and such. After i ended it with guy1, i dated guy2. It lasted for a couple of months though it ended leaving me in such heartbreak and betrayal. Guy1 started talking to me after a couple weeks after guy2 and i were no more. I wasn’t sure about him since he also left me in heartbreak but not as bad as guy2. Though he sobered up and watched his health and his attitude. He really did change into someone better. He liked me again and i started liking him because he was just so comforting and there for me during the guy2 drama left me broken and with an eating disorder. He made me truly happy and helped me eat more and be healthy. we weren’t ready for a relationship (partially because our group of friends wouldn’t approve since they disliked each other) but we couldn’t ignore the attraction. We started being an “unofficial” couple. For 11th months. Weird but i started to love him but wasn’t sure if he’d want to official yet. I tried asking him but he kept not answering. I kept bringing it up but he said he just didnt want a relationship (despite our family thinking we were a couple). One day, he said he couldn’t see me anymore because he really wasn’t ready for a relationship but he still liked me. I’m really skeptical whether he really likes me now. It’s our senior year and we have yet to acknowledge each other at school. I’m so sorry it’s long but i wanted to give enough details for an opinion. I’d appreciate your advice. I love him and don’t want to let him go but i’m unsure whether he still likes me or if we’d get together later on.

Category: Tags: asked August 14, 2013

2 Answers

Honestly, this guy seems like he has commitment issues. If he isn't as ready as you are after almost a year, let him go. You can find someone better than him, especially if he doesn't even acknowledge you anymore. Keep you head up, and try to move on. Message me if you need someone to talk to :)
hey , i am like you. i was that stupid so have an undercover relationship for a long time , because the boy wasn't 'ready' or whatever. you fell in love , like i did. trust me , he doesn't. if our boys liked us , they wouldn't hurt us like that. they would show us in public because they're proud of us. but they aren't! maybe i am not doing it myself but don't let him control you. you aren't his doll , you aren't there if he's ready after 783012 years. you cant wait forever. and the longer you will wait , the more time passes away. boys love go back QUICKLY after a breakup , girls love doesn't. text if you want!