Help dealing with fiance’s seizures..



My fiancé has epilepsy due to being hit in the head with a baseball bat when he was younger. He didn’t start having seizures till about 5-6 years ago(He’s 27 now). He only has had the seizures in his sleep and until the other day they have been controlled by medication, the last one he had was at the time he was diagnosed. Three days ago he had one in his sleep and I witnessed it. The doctor thinks it was brought on by a lack of sleep, and a cold, and he also hadn’t taken his meds yet that day. The problem is I feel so incredibly traumatized by it I don’t know what to do with myself. I was able to remain fairly calm while it was happening but now I’m absolutely terrified of him having another one. I haven’t been able to sleep at all and I’m just letting this get to me way more than I should. I just need some advice because I know I can’t live life being nervous like this on a daily basis. I just feel so helpless and it just makes me so sad that he has to live with this condition that’s so unpredictable.

Category: Tags: asked February 2, 2014

2 Answers

You witnessed something terrible happen to the person you love. That was very traumatic. Seek comfort in that it was a very rare one. If you feel you need support to come to terms with his illness then don't be afraid to reach out for it. Very often when someone is ill their partner is over looked when they clearly are suffering as well. I hope you can come to terms with this.
I am praying so hard that it was just a rare occasion. Thankfully Im already scheduled for a physical on Tuesday so I'm going to talk to my doctor about everything and see what she says. I've always had anxiety/depression on and off and this episode is just pushing me to my limits right now.