Can anybody relate?


Drug abuse, university drop out, family hell, loss of control of life altogether.
I really need someone to speak too but not someone that can just tell me that everything will be okay, i need honest advice and someone to whip me into shape. Possibly someone that has dealt with drug/alcohol abuse as it’s hard to relate to if you have never experienced it.
I’m completely lost.

asked May 18, 2013

3 Answers

I'll tell ya now; you're your own responsibility. You were in university, you're an adult, you gotta accept concequences and understand: You keep going the way you're going you'll either die or regret it. Drugs will destroy your life, just look up Rachael Keogh, the damage it can do to you physically, if it doesn't just kill you.
You need to look for help, going on here is a step. Local drug groups or counselling or a hospital that helps you go cold turkey. You need to believe in it and want it though if you're to get better. You can't get your life back on track if you don't set yourself straight, starting with quitting the drugs. You can look for education and jobs when you're actually capable; you're the priority here.
5 years time, where do you see yourself? Dead/permanently damaged, or a better person for defeating such a difficult enemy? You can do this, you just gotta try everything, ask everywhere, look online, call numbers, friends, anything you can do to get the help you need and deserve. Everyone is entitled to help and it's never too late to make a U-turn in life.
You just gotta deal with this first.
If you want to message me I know quite a bit about these topics.
I can definitely relate. I am still struggling with all of these issues myself, but if you would like the advice and support of someone who is in the same boat as yourself or you just want to vent about it to someone who understands what you're going through feel free to message me.