Anyone from Mexico or Latin America? :)


sometimes i get tired of writing and reading english words :p

asked April 19, 2014

5 Answers

I thought i was the only one from there, what a coincidence, huh?
i know there are few spanish speakers in here haha, i've met like 2 but im sure there are more :) it is a coincidence
Yeah, me too, i have met a couple of spanish speakers too, less than 5 at least, dont remember how many, but i think they were like 3 with you.BTW i dont know if its a good idea to chat here, i dont like this youtube-ish section's downvoting feature, so i dont think its a good idea to start chatting here, if you wish drop me a message on your updates or something and we could chat there istead (i have my pm's set to private, thats why i suggested updates).
I speak spanish and portuguese, you can pm me if you want
I speak spanish as well if you need to speak to someone