Am I being paranoid about this for no reason?


Ok so I am going to my boyfriends yr12 Formal (I am in yr11) and I have ordered these long dresses and stuff and they look quite nice and everything except before I ordered them I asked one of my really close friends who is also in yr11 going with her boyfriend in yr12 and she was like yeah yeah I am wearing a long dress, because I was just being a bit paraniod that because it’s not my formal I shouldn’t be wearing a long dress. Anyway so I ordered these dresses and they came and everything except now my friend has gone and gotten a short dress and I am freaking out that people are going to be judging me for wearing a long dress or if I am going to be overdressed and yeah am I just freaking out for no reason or what?

asked July 2, 2014

3 Answers

It is all okay. Yes, you may look different than your friend, but that is okay. It is better to over-dress for a formal dance than to under-dress. Wouldn't it be silly if someone came to the dance in jeans and a tee shirt? It does not matter if your dress is short or long, as long as you obviously put effort into the choice and look nice for it.
It doesn't matter which year you are in. If you are happy wearing a long dress for formal, then wear it! You might even get a compliment or two on it. :) Your boyfriend asked you to his formal which means you have as much right to be there as everyone else. Try not to focus on what other people are thinking and just have fun.
My at the time girlfriend had the same dilemma when I took her to my senior prom. She felt that long dresses were only for the seniors, but when we got there everyone had on a mix of long and short dresses. In my opinion, if you like the long dress, wear the long dress. Its your choice.