100% done with school


Everyday I go to school and sit there like for 8 hours, knowing nothing. I’ve never been the kind of person you ask for a math advice or something like that, because everyone knows I’m stupid and useless. I try so so hard to do things right, to be better, but no one seems no notice that. I’m really frustrated cause I want to be able to understand things, I don’t want to fail subjects anymore, I’m trying so hard but I’m going nowhere. I’m just a waste of space and time. I can’t stand it anymore.

Category: asked September 19, 2013

2 Answers

You are not stupid & useless. You are not a waste of space or time. School isn't for everyone. One day, you will find something that you're good at & something that you love. If you're not already getting extra help, maybe try that. Try to find a study buddy. Stay healthy. Good luck. <3
When I felt like I was in a math class that was too difficult for me I would get an assignment and go up and ask my teacher for help on a problem. If I still didn't understand it I would go up and ask for help on the next question and so on. If you have to walk back up for the whole assignment. Or if possible, can always go before or after school to a teacher for tutoring. Not only will you get your work done but it has a chance of leading to a good student-to-teacher relationship. hope this helped, good luck with school! You'll get through it.