• Profile picture of Katherine
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    Katherine posted an update 2 years, 6 months ago

    i honestly don’t want to be alive anymore
    i am so tired of everything

    • Please don’t think like that @teamtennantgirl, you are such a beautiful, awesome and special person who deserves to truly feel happy, positive and upbeat Katherine, what’s on your mind sweetheart?, please know you can always talk to or reach out to me sweetie, I want to see you feeling fantastic Katherine, don’t let the difficult moments break you down sweetie, remember to hold your head up high because you are a survivor who will overcome all struggles Katherine, you will make it through this and come out so much stronger Katherine, you will do amazing things and make all your goals, dreams and aspirations come true, you can do it Katherine, keep going forward with hope and never give up sweetie, feel free to inbox me anytime if you ever need to chat or vent Katherine, stay strong, you are never alone :) <3 (hugs)