
Display Name


About Me

I am a bisexual polyamorous married woman.

I would say that I have some simple interests: I like to hike, disc golf, watch movies and TV, eat, etc. I love sweet things – they are an obsession, and I have several hours in the dentist/tattoo chair to prove it (perhaps, I am a bit of a masochist there). Ice cream is by far my all time "go to" treat.

I also have some not so simple interests: I absolutely love art and artistic expression. Art is a sensual experience and it captivates me. I love to sketch, paint, sculpt, and overall create. I sing, and I have a bit of rhythm, and eventually want to take dance lessons.

I am a house cat. By that I mean I lay wherever I choose, I love whomever I choose, and if you're mean to me, I may let you be, or I may choose to extend those claws.

Experienced with

Abuse, Bullying, Careers, Depression, Education, Grieving, Marriage, Mental Disorders, Phobias, Relationships, Sexuality, Social Anxiety

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