
Display Name


About Me

I just got diagnosed or what ever the hell you want to call it, with depression and anxiety. I don't have a bad life I just get really sad all the time. I find myself wanting to end it sometimes i cant even look in the mirror because I am so disgusted, i can honestly say i hate myself. I don't like talking about it either because I feel like there is so many people with bigger problems then me so I don't deserve anybodys attention and it just makes me confused and depressed even more so alot of the times i don't know what to do. On a good note I have an amazing boyfriend of 2 and a half years and I wouldn't trade him for the world he is the reason i keep fighting to get back to the old happy me. I found this website on tumblr and i thought i would just be a good place to vent and to talk to other people so ask me anything you want, I love to talk (:



Experienced with

Depression, Education, Grieving, Health & Fitness, Relationships, Self Harm

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