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    georgey posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago

    it seems that if you’re a guy, people only reassure you when they know how bad you feel about how you look. nobody ever seems genuinely in to me anymore. a lot of the people i attract are pretty immature, which i’m pretty sure reflects on who i am somehow. the ones who’re mature seem to always find someone better. it’s not that i particularly want a relationship (unless somebody great does come along), it’s just that, i’d like to feel like i’m attractive to people, yknow? i’m kicking a bad habit, going to university and trying my hardest and this is the one thing left soiling my brain, preventing me from being able to really relax

    Mood : Pessimistic
    • Remember to love yourself and see yourself in an uplifting way @geogzm, you are awesome George inside and out, don’t let anything bring you down, focus on the positives and on being upbeat, hold your head up high and smile, you will meet people who will like you no matter what, always be kind and good to yourself, you will be OK, keep going and never give up, I’m always here if you ever need to chat, message me anytime, my inbox is always open, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • thanks oli, it’s just difficult seeing other people get coveted everywhere i go and then i’m just kind of a hermit who floats around

    • thanks oli, it’s just difficult seeing other people get coveted everywhere i go and then i’m just kind of a hermit who floats around

    • @georgey the only person who can make you feel the most attractive and loved is yourself :) It doesn’t matter what strangers think. Although, I wouldn’t particularly say you’re a hermit, nor that you’re unattractive… you said both of those things, which goes to show that sometimes your view on yourself makes you think everyone else feels the same. Learn to embrace yourself, honey :) message me if you need anyone to talk to :) x

    • thanks, i guess i just need to regain the confidence that funnily enough, this website gave me back in 2013 hahaha. you reckon it’s more of a mind thing than an outward appearance thing?