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    Chris posted an update 10 years, 6 months ago

    If Satan punishes bad people, don’t that make him a good guy?

    Mood : Amused
    • Except for the fact that he’s cursed to punish bad people and he has a habit of luring and manipulating people into sinning and doing bad things – so no, though his punishing of bad people could be considered a noble act, his intention are all but good.

      That is if you are of traditional values and beliefs, some people, such as Satanists, see…[Read more]

    • And how exactly he lures and and manipulates people? Like can you even offer examples?

    • I really can’t, but isn’t that what people generally think? That he posseses people and make them do bad things?

    • People nowadays just use religion as a cover up and excuse for their rotten character. At some point in time they though seizures to be possessions because that fitted the bill of a possession. Basically at first there was stupidity, now there is only malice.

    • But that’s ignorance in the works not religion. The same thing can be done with science – see the holocaust. People were under a strong belief that the aryan race was better than all others and that it could be proven by measuring the size of the brain, skull etc. In the end it doesn’t matter wether you’re religious or not.

    • No my friend, believing in a religion is ignorance since faith is believe in something despite complete lack of evidence. The wwII is a completely different think and not yet fully concluded since Hitler was Catholic, some say he was a jew even, it’s all really confusing. But The thing about the aryan race was propaganda and complete lack of…[Read more]