• Profile picture of Skittrix
    Passing Stranger
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    Skittrix posted an update 9 years ago

    Remember boys and girls, communication is THE most important thing in any relationship. Romantic, platonic, whatever. TALK.

    • inez replied 9 years ago

      and when the other person does not want to talk about it?i am going through that, i don’t know how to help my love

    • Maybe you didnt take a leap of faith?

      maybe the reason you got there in the friendzone is because you see that you’ve gotten so far with your relationship with her that you’re scared to confess because you might lose him/her,

      if you want to leave the friendzone, you have to take a leap of faith, a gamble, a risk even.

      take him/her to a private place where you can tell him/her how you feel,

      like an ultimatum of sorts,

      not just saying ”i love you” but letting out a torrent of frustration and love

      for example:

      ”I love you, there i said it, not just love you as a friend i love you so much it makes my chest hurt and i feel so nervous around you i think i might puke butterfly wings, thats how much i love you, why can’t you see that!

      Its killing me so much, to see the love of my life in front of me, not seeing me like how i see her, All those time those you cried on my shoulders it wasn’t only you who was hurting, i was hurt too, seeing the woman/man i love getting his/her heart broken without even looking at the person besides him/her who loves her

      I’m sorry if i had to tell you this way, if i didn’t you might never know, but the way we are now, im sick of it, it’s like being shackled to an iron ball and thrown in the ocean if i dont do this now, ill drown.

      So answer me, will i ever have a chance with you, will you ever love me as much as i love you?”

      If you want to get out of the friendzone that much, can you say something like this to her?

      Like @skittrix said communication is key, make your point clear and concise about your feelings

    • Well this is advice for both sides. Communication is a two-way street