• Profile picture of Funfloor
    Passing Stranger
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    Funfloor posted an update 9 years ago

    Hi i am glad you find me on this site. I can help people deal with breakups and bullying and also parenting.
    Now Few Thing I Would Like To ADD To Your Knowledge.

    “All generalizations are false, including this one.”

    MORAL – Never ever ever ever assume anything. Hold your judgments until you have concrete reliable proof to make assumptions, even then proceed with caution.

    “Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.”

    MORAL – Don’t be worried about what other people think because they do not feel what you feel. It’s best to decide your life according to your terms. You are the one who will feel the direct impact of your decisions.

    “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

    MORAL – Never skip a day of motivation for your sake, but more importantly never skip a day of bathing for everyone else’ sake.

    “I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.”

    MORAL – There’s no better person to be than yourself.

    “People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.”

    MORAL – Always be humble. Never let your success get to your head, because when you do, that is when you start thinking you are right even when you are horrendously wrong.

    “If you hit the target every time it’s too near or too big.”

    MORAL – Keep stepping slightly outside of your comfort zone because if you don’t you will never improve. Seek great challenges and those challenges will turn you into a force to be reckoned with.

    “You grow up the day you have your first real laugh – at yourself.”

    MORAL – It’s good to laugh and it’s good to find the humor in everything, but it is best to learn to laugh at yourself. Learning to laugh at your own mistakes and flaws mean you have learned to love and accept yourself. That is how you have a life full of happiness and laughter.

    So, At last something about me.

    ”I am sitting here looking at the most amazing person I have ever seen, smart, funny, caring, and absolutely stunning! Yes, I am looking in the mirror!”