• Profile picture of Magikarp Meg
    Passing Stranger
    QA Reputation

    Magikarp Meg posted an update 9 years, 10 months ago

    Shake with fear. Read to try to calm myself. Though I just can’t help feeling alone. I want to love someone, though honestly I fear rape too much to be alone with an other person.

    Mood : Alone
    • It is a very sane concern to have; to be protective of yourself against sexual assault, but you cannot allow the evil deeds of one person to case a cloak of guilt over someone else; not everyone you meet (or in your case avoid meeting) is going to want to rape you. Passion rules reason, for better or worse; this means that in your zeal to protect yourself, you are suffering the unintentional consequence of severely isolating yourself, and that brings you into a state of what is called ”dissonance”.

      Dissonance is when what you experience conflicts with what you believe. You have a firm fear against being raped, but at the same time, you hate being alone, but you cannot reconcile your fear of rape with your wish to not be alone, and so the two fears feed off of one another.

      Learn to love yourself and you will learn to protect yourself even when out and around people.

      Do not allow your fear to overwhelm your reason. As long as you are careful, your chance of being raped is very minimal.

      A more distant concern is that you must eventually begin to re-teach yourself to trust other people. I know it is hard, but we were not made to be isolated; human beings are highly social creatures.


    • Thank you, I’ll that,
      I did learn some basic self defense but probably should know more.
      Thank you very much.