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About Me

At the time of me writing this, I'm 14 years old and about to embark on the greatest adventure of my life. I was born in the Netherlands, where I was raised until I was 7, which is when we decided to move to Kuwait, a country of contradictions and exceptions. It was here where I learned to speak English, and here also where I learned the meaning of two very opposite words; rich and poor. It wasn't until I was 10 that my parents decided to move somewhere more 'western'. We moved to Canada, a country where there were days you could see snow to the edges of the world, and others where it was the bugs driving you back inside. This is the country that made me into a teen, and hopefully the man I'll someday become. Now, nearing the eighth year since leaving home, we are about to return to a country that is as strange to me as it is familiar, a country filled with old memories and nightmares. Wish me luck, because I'll need it in the weeks to come…



Experienced with

Depression, General, Relationships, Sexuality

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