• Profile picture of Vanessa Wulf
    Passing Stranger
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    Vanessa Wulf posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago

    Alpha Limit Nettle beer, nettle is another great experiment. Making your own beer may sound intimidating, but is actually quite easy and this one is no alcohol either. Go young and crisp leaves. You may want to get your garden gloves off. Choose 100 Alpha Limit stalks nettle, including leaves. You need 12 liters of water and a large saucepan and 1.5 kilos of sugar, 50 grams of cream of tartar, and 15 grams of dry yeast in a package. You do not need a clean bucket too.

    Put the nettles and water in a large saucepan. Boil for 15 minutes. Sift all through a sterilized bucket. Pull the nettles in your compost heap and put the liquid in the pan. Add sugar and cream of tartar, and heat until everything is dissolved. Then let the mixture cool to room temperature. Put everything back into your clean bucket, add yeast, mix well and cover with gauze or a clean cloth. Leave for 24 hours. Remove the scum from the top, and trap in clean, sterilized bottles with a screw cap. Leave the sediment alone. You can drink after four days. If you leave the bottles too long, you need to open some of the fizz out. It is lovely on a hot summer day and goes well with a mint leaf and a bucket of ice.

    Alpha Limit | Scam Must Read Facts – Hits 4 Slim (HURRY) http://www.hits4slim.com/alpha-limit.html