Blu Weir said 9 years ago:

If we only see people in our dreams who we have seen before in real life , does that mean that it is impossible to create a person in your mind who you have never seen before ? And at what point does this theory draw the line. Do we only see animals that we have seen before ? What about monsters ? How does that work ?


Lunna said 8 years, 11 months ago:

I think it only extends to people, but I’m no expert on the subject. I think our mind is more quicker to recognize human features than features that other animals might have for example. About monsters, I think our mind is kinda capable of creating them, but they probably revolve around things we already seen or heard, something we read on a book, things like that, but this is all just my opinion of course :)

Hearmenow said 8 years, 11 months ago:

I found this relating to your question;

“Our mind is not inventing faces – in our dreams we see real faces of real people that we have seen during our life but may not know or remember. We have all seen hundreds of thousands of faces throughout our lives, so we have an endless supply of characters for our brain to utilize during our dreams.”

Of course, dream interpretation isn’t an exact science. It could also be possible that our brain combines different ones to create a new face you don’t recognize.

Blu Weir said 8 years, 10 months ago:

Thanks guys ! I found both of your replies so interesting ! :D