Sheila_3 said 9 years, 8 months ago:

I’ve never had contact with an e.t but just the thought of it petrifies me! I’ve been like this ever since I was little and I know for a fact I was NEVER abducted. I just get paranoid a lot like if I were to ever see one in person…Idk what I would do. Help guys like this terrifies me every night sometimes I have to sleep with the light on../.

Shivaganesh said 9 years, 8 months ago:

Maybe its a kind of Xenophobia you are having at the moment,have you talked to your parents about it?.

People gets scared of the unknown sometimes,Most movies these days portray alien as terrible destructive creatures and they are also hard to understand..

Sheila_3 said 9 years, 8 months ago:

No dude aliens. Like their little gray bodies and huge eyes! I think they’re real and watching us. The idea that were not alonenin the universe completely terrifies me and I can’t handle it although I wish I can

Deleted User said 9 years, 5 months ago:

So far NO alien species were found in observable universe. No signals aside from a couple of strange radio anomalies, which could be explained rationally, were received from outer space.

And the distance to the nearest earth-like planet is 13 light years, which means traveling from it to Earth with the speed of light will take 13 years. As far as we know, we are alone in space. And if we weren’t, if there is a specie out there that can travel unimaginable distances, I am sure they have better things to do then stick probes in your butt and make secret deals with the US government a-la the X-files.

If there is an alien civilization that has reached technological level of being able to bend matter and time itself, which seems the only possible way to travel through space fast, then this specie has the understanding of the world far deeper then we have.

If such a civilization was to exist, it must have overcame all the primal urges that still keep us as a specie from any noticeable progress: war, aggression, desire to dominate, greed, religion, hatred, xenophobia.

A hostile and war mongering society would have been far more preoccupied with dividing their own planet then traveling to our world and steal cows in Texas.

If any, it’s a shame aliens don’t exist. At least they would’ve been able to drag us from this shit swamp we’re slowly drowning ourselves in…

The problem with aliens is the same as with god: if they exist, why didn’t they just show themselves? I’m sure our weapons would be as much of a threat to them as arrows and spears were to the conquistadors of Cortes.

And speaking of Cortes, if aliens were violent intruders, like in 50′s scifi, why would they infiltrate government and yadda yadda yadda as conspiracy theorists suggest? I mean think about it: imagine Herman Cortes secretly landing in a small boat on the shores of Mexican gulf, instead of big ass war ships, and instead of starting his victorious march of death through Mayan territory, infiltrating the government of Moctezuma and trying to bring it down from within. He’d be conquering Mexico till now.

bottom line is, there are no aliens, sleep tight, and don’t let secret government reptile people bite.

GBWest said 9 years, 5 months ago:

John Wesley Harding: Why do you assume they would’ve gotten rid of war, aggression, etc?

But to stay on topic, I can definitely confirm there are no “aliens” within about 200+ light years of Earth. With as many telescopes, satellites, and various other surveillance equipment pointed outwards, inwards, all around… Quite frankly, there’s no place to hide. Don’t believe Hollywood when they say they can dodge, evade, or some how “hide” from out technology; they can’t. The slightest bit of exhaust from simply moving their space ship out of range of space debris would be easily visible.

And Shivaganesh is right. It stems from the fear of the unknown. Aliens are truly unknown, despite what we may imagine they’d look like or act like. No one has encountered one after all. It’s not like a… Bison, which Europeans hadn’t interacted with until the discovery of America.

Deleted User said 9 years, 5 months ago:

Because building a space ship capable of traveling between the stars would have taken enormous amounts of collaboration and resources – something that would’ve been problematic to achieve for a war hungry society.