spaceman said 8 years, 9 months ago:

I am starting college next month and I need some advice on how to get through my college life. I am so nervous and am scared with the whole transistion from HS to college

Modest Butter said 8 years, 9 months ago:

For starters,
just be yourself, if you didn’t like yourself during highschool, try reinventing yourself, think of college as a new slate, a clean slate, strengthen your former weaknesses and improve upon your strengths,

- A few random advice

> be a good runner if the campus is big,
> dont be afraid to ask people for directions
> Study now, party later
> never get drunk at a frat party
> Make friends people from all walks of life in the campus
> learn to be good at space efficiency
> Dont piss off frat people
> Be good friends with your roomie
> Dont piss off the professor, they literally can fail you without reason if they wanted to
> Sorry if this one sounds inappropriate, i had friends who was unable to finish college because they failed to follow this one
If you’re a guy, “Always bring protection” & “Never sleep with a drunk girl”
If you’re a girl “Dont get wasted when you know you’re ovulating”

And finally, if the course you took is for a job you want and you love, dont just listen, understand

GuitarPlayerTK said 8 years, 9 months ago:

If I could like the above post 1000 times I would.

The only thing I have to add is I suggest, after settling in with your life there and getting somewhat used to how busy you’ll be, try looking into and joining a club. College has the most diverse clubs out there, so there’s bound to be something for you. Don’t be afraid to just screw it and do it (Though not other people seriously the drama that could arise from friend’s experiences is unparalleled).

College is meant for you to help you find yourself, so have fun and enjoy being whoever you want to be. Experimentation leads to results!