✧Sumer✧ said 9 years, 2 months ago:

I was wondering if anyone could check out my blog and give me their opinion on its appearance? I just updated some things and just wanted to make sure it looked appealing ✧

It’s http://ethereal–youth.tumblr.com/, thanks in advance! ♡

TheNumber91 said 9 years, 1 month ago:

I like that theme actually! Looks nice and its not overwhelming at all! I gave you a follow! Let me know what you think of my entries!

BeWellRabbit said 9 years, 1 month ago:

I like the colour theme a lot! It may be an issue with my computer, but the font and design are a bit small and difficult to read. Zooming in fixed the problem without compromising the design too much, but it may be a good idea to give a heads up for those who have similar issues.

✧Sumer✧ said 9 years, 1 month ago:

@bewellrabbit thanks, It is kinda small! I just had t change the theme again because the old one didn’t support my updates tab (heart in the corner). Thanks though! and @thenumber91 thanks!