huntseat_rider15 said 10 years, 4 months ago:

In my Honors Geometry class, we were taking a quiz. I turned around in my seat and cracked my back. As I was doing so, I rolled my shoulders, almost in a shrugging motion, to crack them. After the test, the teacher held me, and the girl that sits behind me, back in class after the bell had wrung. He went on to ask why we were talking during his quiz. I didn’t even know what he was talking about at first. I just looked at him like, “Really?” I have never received a B or lower on a report card in my life, and I would never dream of cheating on a test. After I explained that, he rolled his eyes and dismissed us. Later that week, I saw online that he had entered in my grade as a 77%, instead of the 98% I had earned. I confronted him about it the day before Thanksgiving break and he told me to just come clean and quit lying about it. I finally convinced him of my innocence after waterworks and some yelling (I was flipping out, ok?). He gave me a test similar to the first one to prove I could do the material. I finished it and he wrote down that he would enter that grade in as my original 98%. Well, grades are due tomorrow and it still says 77% in the online gradebook. I emailed him but he didn’t reply and I don’t know what to do! Help!

FeatherLight said 10 years, 4 months ago:

Since its similar and you did it alone you should still get the mark. Maybe explain to the head of the department? You do have proof that you did do a retest, so you can show that there is no way for you to copy.

Kristin Wells said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I’d say get your parents involved and arrange a sit down with the teacher.

Plantan said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I’m sorry that this has happened to you. Just remember that grades are not permanent. And if the grade reports go out and this grade that is below your standards is the same, go to your guidance counselor or your principal. They can be very helpful.

Raee said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I would keep watching that gradebook and make sure that it doesn’t change, and if it doesn’t, like others have said, get your parents involved and your guidance counselors, because you obviously earned that high grade!

Vivid Melody said 10 years, 4 months ago:

Ugh, that’s so irritating. I agree with everyone else. Hope everything works out.