Sammy said 10 years ago:

okay so I’m allowed to go and get my industrial bar but I’m kinda hazy about it cause people I’ve talked to about it says it hurts a lot but other say it didn’t hurt at all. I have my nose pierced and 2 in each ear already and they didn’t hurt that much. Does anybody have their industrial? How much does it hurt?

Victoria said 10 years ago:

Is it your earlobes that you have pierced, or a different part of your ear? Industrial piercings pierce cartillage which is thicker than your ear lobes. So naturally, it will hurt more. How much it hurts really depends on your pain tolerance, which is different for everyone. Personally I didn’t think it hurt, I just found it a bit uncomfortable since they had to use a clamp to keep my ear steady and whatnot. Even then it really wasn’t too bad. There will be about three seconds of pain for each piercing and then it’s over. Just relax, take a deep breath and it’ll be over before you know it.

Sammy said 10 years ago:

yeah i have my earlobes pierced,like i have both my first and second holes done there. On a scale of like 1-10 how badly would you say that it hurt?

Victoria said 10 years ago:

hmmm, I would say maybe a 5 or 6

Annika said 10 years ago:

The worst part for me was the healing period as it took about 6 months before it didn’t hurt to sleep on that ear any longer. And since you really have two piercings that are connected… when something unintentionally pulls/pushes one end it hurts them both.
But as said before it is all very individual (and I probably touched it more than I should have).

Sammy said 10 years ago:

okay thanks so much, i know that healing takes a long time but when you got it actually pierced did you feel like it hurt a lot? like the actually needle? if possible on a scale of 1-10 what would you rate it?

punky said 9 years, 11 months ago:

I don’t have an industrial but I do have my tragus done and I’d say that was maybe a 6.5-7? It’s pretty thick cartilage though and I can be a bit of a wimp. I’d guess that an industrial would be about a 4-6 depending on your level of pain tolerance. Besides, like everyone else has pointed out it’s just a few seconds of actual pain. Then it settles into a dull throb. No biggie really if it’s something you want.

Josh Pearce said 9 years, 10 months ago:

My friend had hers done and said it hurt when they make the first hole and have to guide it through the second hole if that makes sense plus she found it hard sleeping for months after because she couldn’t even touch her ear at all. I’ve also heard they really easily get infected but if its something you want to do then I say go for it, just be careful it doesn’t get infected! :D

Dark Rainbow said 9 years, 9 months ago:

I have my industrial done, and it doesn’t not hurt, but it also isn’t very painful.
on a scale 0-10. i would say probably a 6.
But its so worth it

Deleted User said 9 years, 9 months ago:

Has anyone had their penis pierced?? What was it called, prince albert, yeah? Any why would you do such a thing?

Tinay <3 said 9 years, 8 months ago:

I have an industrial piercing on my right ear months ago and replaced it with just earrings. It’s not that awful. You can bear it.