Surface said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Now as a kid who grew up in a very steretypical middle school through high school i would always hear people telling me to be my self

Now heres the problem with that and why i hate when people say that.How am I to be myself if i don’t even know who i am?

I Didn’t know if i wanted to act a certain way or act another way, i didnt know if i wanted to dress one way or dress another style, etc.


And then just constanly hearing those words irritated me.

When i had these thoughts going through my head i was a very socially awkward person. Didn’t talk much, didn’t do much. It was like i was doing nothing.

But then it hit me.

I think when people say be yourself, that it meant to be whoever you want to be.

If you wanna be the girl who gets Straight A’s Then you get straight a’s You go girl, You go Glen Coco (haha i just had to throw that one in.) XD If you wanna be the dude who is a star football player than you be that dude! If you wanna be the greatest artist ever, then you paint or draw or whatever your hand wants to do you do it!

So then after this um epiphnay? ( i have no idea what that word means but im too lazy to google it!)
I took it into consideration and became the person i wanted to be.

I became more social, outgoing, and showed a bit of my sarcastic humor to my fellow high school peers.It became so easy once i set my mind to it. Once i believed in myself nothing could stop me. So umm i guess im writing this for no other reason but to inspire some of you fellow BLAH users :D . So uh yeah( Im really bad at writing conclusions.)If you have any thoughts feel free to reply maybe? :D

selenatlantis said 10 years, 4 months ago:

What I hate about people telling me to “be myself” is that once I am they seem to run away screaming with regret. And I”m harmless …

The Mechanic said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I never thought of it that way, “be yourself.” I guess we all have to decide on that ourselves. I could never really answer the question “tell us about yourself” before, now I think I’ll simply be what I want to be.

Deleted User said 10 years, 4 months ago:

Life isn’t about finding out who you are. It’s about making who you are.

Deleted User said 10 years, 4 months ago:

its more like defining yourself!
watch the talented mr. ripley, pretty scary movie!

Deleted User said 10 years, 3 months ago:

Limitless: Hate to go all philosophical on ya, but… How can one define something, if it does not exist?

tl:dr: Make yourself.

Zoile said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I like the way you think about that. I always felt flustered when i read somewhere ‘be yourself’ HOW. I will make myself then. If this helps me, i will come back and tell you :3

Deleted User said 10 years, 1 month ago:

Sometimes finding yourself is harder than actually being yourself. But once you do, everything becomes clearer and I hope that you all find yourselves and you’re values.

Hope you all have a wonderful day (: